I am trying to find a way to upload an mp3 file into a mongo collection through my meteor collection. Its a bit challenging as I end up with "C:\fakepath\audio.mp3" as what is saved in the collection.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Ally Jr
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1 Answers1


You are looking for the FSCollection Package, and the GridFS Storage Adapter.

to get started run this on the console.

meteor add cfs:standard-packages

meteor add cfs:gridfs

now With fsCollection you can upload files simple as.


Declare the Collection.

AudioCollection = new FS.Collection("AudioCollection", {
  stores: [new FS.Store.GridFS("AudioCollection")]

Create a simple Event handler.

  'click #example':function(e,t){
    //Simple Event to upload files into mongo.

And do a simple helper

   return AudioCollection.find();

With this HTML

{{each showAudio}}
  {{#if isAudio}}
   <!-- show whatever you want here -->

Since the README its empty at this moment i made a sample DEMO.

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  • Thanks! works! Since you seem to know your stuff and there isn't much out there... Is there a way I can control helpers from my events? – Ally Jr Feb 24 '15 at 05:35