I know how the innerHTML works in JavaScript like in following function:

    <body onLoad="changetext();">
        <div id="pp" onClick="changetext();">Click here</div>
            function changetext(){
                document.getElementById("pp").innerHTML = "New Content!";  

This results in "New Content". But I have also come across many examples where innerHTML was used with the + or += operator like in this W3Schools example. What does it mean when I add to innerHTML using +?

Jan Schultke
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4 Answers4


elem.innerHTML +="abc" means that it will append abc to the innerHTML of elem.

elem.innerHTML +="abc"

is equivalent to

elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML + "abc"

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You use innertHTML+ when you have to append new content in existing content. If you use innerHTML = "New Content" that would replace all content in pp and place "New Content" there, but innerHTML+="New Content" would append this with existing content.

As other people also mentioned innerHTML += "New Content" is equivalent to element.innerHMTL = element.innerHMTL + "New Content", so this means that the += is basically used to append content. It can be used to append/add new values and at the same time can be used to increment an int value so i++ = i+=1 = i = i+1

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The += operator appends the text to the elements current content.

Dhruv Ramani
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An assignment operator assigns a value to its left operand based on the value of its right operand. The basic assignment operator is equal (=), which assigns the value of its right operand to its left operand. That is, x = y assigns the value of y to x.

The other assignment operators are shorthand for the operations listed in the following table:

Shorthand operator  |     Meaning
| x += y            |     x = x + y    |
| x -= y            |     x = x - y    |
| x *= y            |     x = x * y    |
| x /= y            |     x = x / y    |
| x %= y            |     x = x % y    |
| x <<= y           |     x = x << y   |
| x >>= y           |     x = x >> y   |
| x >>>= y          |     x = x >>> y  |
| x &= y            |     x = x & y    |
| x ^= y            |     x = x ^ y    |
| x |= y            |     x = x | y    |


The spec defines these "shorthand" operators as Compound Assignment ( op= )


So based from your example, if:

element.innerHTML = 'foo';


element.innerHTML += 'bar';

is the same as:

element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML + 'bar';

which results in:

console.log(element.innerHTML); // "foobar"
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Miguel Mota
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  • The aren't "shorthand" operators, they're [*compound assignment* operators](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-11.13.2). – RobG Feb 19 '15 at 11:35