I would like to launch Apple's Stocks app to show information for a particular stock, on a non-jailbroken phone. I'm not interesting in how to get a quote or graph a stock myself, just opening Stocks.app.

I was hoping that the Stocks app would have a custom URL format, so opening a URL like stocks://AAPL would do the trick. But I haven't found anything documenting such a scheme, and suspect it doesn't exist.

Any other ideas, or is it impossible to integrate with the native Stocks app?

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Vincent Gable
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    I added a feature enhancement request to Apple for this at rdar://7999314. The more people who request this feature, the more likely it is that it will be implemented. Visit http://bugreport.apple.com to add a feature request, if you're interested. – Alex Reynolds May 18 '10 at 21:35

2 Answers2


It doesn't exist, Apple publishes a list of iPhone URL schemes - Mail, phone, text, Maps, YouTube, and iTunes.

Maybe you could just pull the stock info yourself? There must be some kind of web service you can use.

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Unfortunately this is not possible as Apple pulls its stock information from Yahoo! Finance. Maybe you can try opening a UIWebView/Safari and direct to the Yahoo! Finance as the next best thing?

Sheehan Alam
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    -1. Where Apple pulls the data from is irrelevant. The key is to finding out if the Stocks app offers a URL that can be called from another app. – Alex Reynolds May 18 '10 at 18:53