Current learning Swift, there are ways to find max and min value for different kind of Integer like Int.max and Int.min.

Is there a way to find max value for Double and Float? Moreover, which document should I refer for this kind of question? I am currently reading Apple's The Swift Programming Language.

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7 Answers7


As of Swift 3+, you should use:

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While there’s no Double.max, it is defined in the C float.h header, which you can access in Swift via import Darwin.

import Darwin

let fmax = FLT_MAX
let dmax = DBL_MAX

These are roughly 3.4 * 10^38 and 1.79 * 10^308 respectively.

But bear in mind it’s not so simple with floating point numbers (it’s never simple with floating point numbers). When holding numbers this large, you lose precision in a similar way to losing precision with very small numbers, so:

let d = DBL_MAX
let e = d - 1.0
let diff = d - e
diff == 0.0  // true

let maxPlusOne = DBL_MAX + 1
maxPlusOne == d  // true

let inf = DBL_MAX * 2
// perhaps infinity is the “maximum” 
inf == Double.infinity  // true

So before you get into some calculations that might possibly brush up against these limits, you should probably read up on floating point. Here and here are probably a good start.

Airspeed Velocity
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  • I am try you code in Xcode playground and get `(+infinity)` for Double and 340,282,346,638,529,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.0 for Float. Why Double and Int64 both have 64bit but double can store more numbers? – X.Creates Feb 15 '15 at 12:27
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    You need to learn about floating point representation. Start with the [wikipedia article](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_point) and also [this intro](http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/91float/) – Airspeed Velocity Feb 15 '15 at 12:35
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    For the common case of using max/min values with comparison operators DBL_MAX will always give valid results. – Jarrod Smith Jan 18 '16 at 21:57
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    Deprecated in Swift 3, it's now `Double.greatestFiniteMagnitude` – John Montgomery Apr 20 '17 at 18:25

AV's answer is fine, but I find those macros hard to remember and a bit non-obvious, so eventually I made Double.MIN and friends work:

extension Double {
    static var MIN     = -DBL_MAX
    static var MAX_NEG = -DBL_MIN
    static var MIN_POS =  DBL_MIN
    static var MAX     =  DBL_MAX

Don't use lowercase min and max -- those symbols are used in Swift 3.

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Just Write

    let mxFloat = MAXFLOAT

You will get maximum value of float in swif.

praveen kumar
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All of them with using swift 5.

enter image description here

Shady Mostafa
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Also CGFloat.infinity, Double.infinity or just .infinity can be useful in such situations.

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Works with swift 5

public extension Double {

    /// Max double value.
    static var max: Double {
        return Double(greatestFiniteMagnitude)

    /// Min double value.
    static var min: Double {
        return Double(-greatestFiniteMagnitude)
Volodymyr Kulyk
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