How I can implement single sign-on with subdomains on Laravel-5? I have:

  • api.domain.com
  • portal.domain.com

I tryed set domain and driver parameters in /config/session:

'driver' => 'cookie'


'driver' => 'file'


'domain' => '.domain.com'


'domain' => null

It doesn't work anyway. I gets 401 (Unauthorized) anyway. Why?

In controller (it is standard laravel authentication):

public function __construct()
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  • So, if i changed auth middleware for api.domain.com from 'auth.basic' to 'auth' (same as to portal.domain.com) it works. How i can use onceBasic auth for api.domain.com and default auth to portal.domain.com? I want to send ajax request from portal.domain.com to api.domain.com (same credentials and same laravel applications) – gurkov Feb 12 '15 at 11:39
  • Problem with headers when response is AJAX, see details http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2870371/why-is-jquerys-ajax-method-not-sending-my-session-cookie – gurkov Feb 12 '15 at 14:47

1 Answers1


Laravel 5 subdomains auth: single sign-up throught AJAX and Once Basic through simple HTTP.

If you want have single sign-up between your subdomains (e.g. api.domain.com and portal.domain.com) on Laravel you must do it:

  1. For your api use next filter (e.g. in controller cunstructor):

    if (!Auth::check()) $this->middleware('auth.basic.once');

  2. Set your session (config/session):

    'domain' => '.domain.com'

  3. In jQuery.ajax use next parameters:

    crossdomain: true xhrFields: {withCredentials: true}

  4. Headers your response (e.g. in .htaccess) must contain:

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "http://api.domain.com" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true

Now you can make AJAX-request from portal.domain.com to api.domain.com and simple HTTP-request with basic auth to api.domain.com

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