Please check the code below. I've edited a ionic example of popup just to illustrate.

On showAlert1(), I reference 'this' as is and it doesn't work. On showAlert2(), I use a auxiliar variable '_this' that receives 'this' and it does works.

I've seen this kind of thing happening in other occasions, and I believe it's 'Controller as' syntax scope related, but why does this happens?

angular.module('myApp', ['ionic'])
.controller('PopupCtrl',function($scope, $ionicPopup) {

   this.testAlert = function() {

   this.showAlert1 = function() {
       title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
       template: 'It might taste good'
     }, this).then(function() {

   this.showAlert2 = function() {
     var _this = this;
       title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
       template: 'It might taste good'
     }, _this).then(function() {


Here's a Code Pen: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/dPJVNN


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  • possible duplicate of [How does the "this" keyword work?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3127429/how-does-the-this-keyword-work) – JLRishe Feb 11 '15 at 05:21

3 Answers3


"this" in javascript is not the same as "this" in other languages. You can think of it more as the context of a function call.

The default call context on a web application is window. However, when calling a function that is a property of an object, the context becomes the object.

So, in your example:

angular.module('myApp', ['ionic'])
.controller('PopupCtrl',function($scope, $ionicPopup) {
   //"this" refers to the controller instance here (controllers are created by angular with the "new" operator)
   this.testAlert = function() {
     //inside of this function, "this" will still be the controller

   //"this" is the controller
   this.showAlert1 = function() {
   //"this" is still the controller
       title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
       template: 'It might taste good'
     }, this).then(function() {
       //"this" is no longer the controller.  It's probably "window", but it's possible that ionic sets this to some other parameter when it invokes the function.
       //since it's not the controller, testAlert() is undefined!

   //"this" is the controller
   this.showAlert2 = function() {
     //"this" is still the controller, and you have assigned _this to also be the controller
     var _this = this;
       title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
       template: 'It might taste good'
     }, _this).then(function() {
       //"_this" is captured by the closure created by the function call, and it is still the controller, so testAlert() is defined. 


You'll often see this in code:

var self = this;

With "self" being used in place of this in order to avoid the confusion that you've encountered.

angular.module('myApp', ['ionic'])
.controller('PopupCtrl',function($scope, $ionicPopup) {
   var self = this;
   self.testAlert = function() {

   self.showAlert1 = function() {
       title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
       template: 'It might taste good'
     }, self).then(function() {

   self.showAlert2 = function() {

       title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
       template: 'It might taste good'
     }, self).then(function() {

Joe Enzminger
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  • Great explanation. Thanks! Is there a way to know the context of all the object, something like a context tree? – Som Feb 11 '15 at 18:02

The keyword 'this' refers to the current object it's in. So in your showAlert1() function, the 'this' refers to the $ionicPopup object.

So for example

var parent = {
    value: 'parent',
    alert: function(){
    child: {
        alert: function(){

if you do a parent.alert(), it will alert parent. But if you do a parent.child.alert() it will give you undefined because the 'this.value' for child doesnt exist, it doesnt refer to parent.value. So what this means is that this refers to the current object.

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"this" in the .then() callback in showAlert1 is referring to the global object. Try this out:

angular.module('mySuperApp', ['ionic'])
.controller('PopupCtrl',function($scope, $ionicPopup) {

   this.testAlert = function() {

   this.showAlert1 = function() {
       title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
       template: 'It might taste good'
     }, this).then(function() {
       alert(this === window);

   this.showAlert2 = function() {
     var _this = this;
       title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
       template: 'It might taste good'
     }, _this).then(function() {


"this" is only working for showAlert1 and showAlert2 because you're referring to them as a property of the controller itself right here:

<button class="button button-primary" ng-click="popup.testAlert()">

What is preferable is using $scope:

<html ng-app="mySuperApp">
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">

    <link href="//code.ionicframework.com/nightly/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="//code.ionicframework.com/nightly/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>

  <body class="padding" ng-controller="PopupCtrl">
    <button class="button button-primary" ng-click="testAlert()">
      Test Alert
    <button class="button button-positive" ng-click="showAlert1()">
    <button class="button button-positive" ng-click="showAlert2()">

    <script id="popup-template.html" type="text/ng-template">
      <input ng-model="data.wifi" type="text" placeholder="Password">

then the JS:

angular.module('mySuperApp', ['ionic'])
.controller('PopupCtrl',function($scope, $ionicPopup) {

   $scope.testAlert = function() {

   $scope.showAlert1 = function() {
       title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
       template: 'It might taste good'
     }).then(function() {

   $scope.showAlert2 = function() {
       title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
       template: 'It might taste good'
     }).then(function() {
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