
I am trying to create something like stackoverflow.com tag cloud. I am able to display the tags but stuck on how to capture which tag element cancel button was clicked.

The cancel buttons are created dynamically using jquery on click of btnAdd.

  var tagText = $('#<%=txtTag.ClientID%>').val();
  var btnCancel = '<button class="btn btn-default">X</button>';

  var tagTextDiv ='<div class="tagElement">' + tagText + btnCancel +'</div>';

  $("#divTagCloud").append(' ' + tagTextDiv);


<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
   <asp:TextBox runat="server" />
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
   <asp:Button runat="server" id="btnAdd"/>

<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12">
   <div id="divTagCloud"></div>

I want to remove the tag i.e corresponding tagTextDiv on click of corresponding cancel button.

How to do this ?

Mudassir Hasan
  • 26,105
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  • 124

1 Answers1


Create the tag and button elements as jquery objects instead of just strings. That allows you to attach event handlers before inserting them into the DOM.

    var tagText = $('#txtTag').val();
    // Create the tag and cancel button elements
    var btnCancel = $('<button class="btn btn-default">X</button>');
    var tagTextDiv = $('<div class="tagElement">' + tagText + '</div>');
    // insert the cancel button into the tag element
    // attach an onclick event handler to the cancel button, that removes the tag.
    btnCancel.click(function() {
        // "this" is the element that the event handler is attached to, in this case, the cancel button
        // get its' parent (the tag text div) and remove that from the DOM
    // finally, insert the new tag into the DOM