I need to Update Android Studio, to the 0.9.9 version, but when I press "Download" (On the update info dialog box) it sends me here:


Isn't there a way to make the update happen automatically, because I don't even know how to update it manually.

Also, in the dialog, there is this recommendation:

To configure automatic update settings, see the Updates dialog of your IDE Settings.

The word "Updates" is a link, but it doesn't work.

Vivek Ji
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pdsafs df apk
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  • Possible duplicate of [Can't update Android Studio - only download](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18980276/cant-update-android-studio-only-download) – Ates Goral May 15 '16 at 19:11

13 Answers13


For this task, I recommend using Android Studio IDE and choose the automatic installation program, and not the compressed file.

  1. On the top menu, select Help -> Check for Update...
  2. Upon the updates dialog below, select Updates link to configure your IDE settings.

Platform and Plugin Updates

  1. For checking updates, my suggestion is to select the Dev channel. I

don't recommend Beta or Canary

channel which is the unstable version and they are not automatic installation, instead a zip file is provided in that case.

Updates dialog

  1. When finished with the configuration, select Update and Restart for downloading the installation EXE.
  2. Run the installation.

Warning: Among different version of Android Studio, the steps may be different. But hopefully you get the idea, as I try to be clear on my intentions.

Extra info: If you want, check for Android Studio updates @ Android Tools Project Site - Recent Builds. This web page seems to be more accurate than other Android pages about tool updates.

The Original Android
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    this worked for me going from 1.3.2 -> 1.4.0. Thanks – Aaron_H Oct 08 '15 at 22:14
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    But in my case it is not showing me 'update and start' button. I am using android studio 1.3 and want to update to latest version that is 1.5 .It is showing me download button that is taking me to the given page http://tools.android.com/download/studio/canary/latest/ Any other option to update my version? and further more I tried as @nktsamba suggested – Abdul Waheed Nov 30 '15 at 06:48
  • @AbdulWaheed, Currently I only have 1.0. I will try the latest at some point in time. If you want the Canary build, only 2.0 is available. In my post, I recommend the Dev or Stable channel. Check which "channel" you selected. – The Original Android Nov 30 '15 at 07:50
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    I have selected stable one.I have 2 machines on my first machine when I updated it showed me update and Restart option.I am wondering it is not showing me the 'Update and Restart' button on my second one.Showing me Download button that leads me to manual downloading.What can be the cause for that? Any help. – Abdul Waheed Nov 30 '15 at 08:09
  • @AbdulWaheed, I think you see "Showing me Download" button because the Studio was already updated, if I remember. – The Original Android Nov 30 '15 at 10:19
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    No,this is not the case because as I said I am currently using 1.3 android studio(downloaded from stable channel) and 1.5 is available (in stable channel) – Abdul Waheed Nov 30 '15 at 10:21
  • @AbdulWaheed, I reviewed your case. As it says in my post, the Beta or Canary channel does not offer the automatic installation, listed on step 3. I edited my post to stress that on step 3. It makes sense actually. On unstable builds, Google will just provide you a zip file, nothing more, and you take your risks along with it. Good luck.... – The Original Android Nov 30 '15 at 21:09
  • @AbdulWaheed, There is no Studio 1.5 update in the stable channel, as the web page says on http://tools.android.com/download/studio/stable . Version 1.4.1 is the latest for the Stable channel. – The Original Android Dec 01 '15 at 03:31
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    Perhaps this image will clarify Abul Waheed's (and my) issue: http://i.snag.gy/ZEhvK.jpg – Noobification Dec 08 '15 at 05:31
  • @Remian8985, Thanks for the clarification.This web page seems more accurate than other pages. I updated my post reflecting that in the "Extra info". Hopefully this saves/helps other developers. – The Original Android Dec 08 '15 at 06:36
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    I don't have the download button. This is frustrating. – Neon Warge Dec 22 '15 at 12:59
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    I had the same issue until I clicked "check for updates now" on the welcome to android screen here: http://imgur.com/UPl1E7E - after that update and restart became available. – tarun713 Dec 22 '15 at 15:32
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    On Windows, if the 'Download and Install' button does not appear, try restarting Android Studio with Run as Administrator. This made the button appear for me going from 1.5 to 2.0 on Windows 10. – walkingTarget Apr 10 '16 at 17:05

The simplest way to update is as follows:

  1. Go to the start screen for Android Studio. If it automatically opens a project when you open it, close that project (not exit).

  2. At the bottom there will be a check for updates link which you can use to update to the latest version.

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    +1, I tried checking for updates while I had an project opened. The button "update and restart" didn't show up (More Info, Ignore update, Remind me buttons were shown). Closing the project as you suggested and checking for updates worked for me. Thanks! – Ivanka Todorova Oct 10 '15 at 12:38
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    Android Studio 2.0 came out this week. I ended up here while searching for how to upgrade from the latest (1.5). The "Check for Updates..." dialog had 3 buttons and none was to actually update. Amazingly, the dialog that comes up from nktsamba's steps has 4 buttons and one is to patch the current install. I was just about to give up and install 2.0 atop 1.5, which would have almost certainly caused havok. Thanks! – Dave Apr 10 '16 at 01:51
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    Wow, that's pretty unintuitive to have to close the project to be able to start the update. – duncanc4 Apr 28 '16 at 12:25

There's not always an updater between versions, depending on the version you're starting from and what you're updating to. If that happens, download the full installer and reinstall Android Studio.

Scott Barta
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  • I downloaded the latest version, when I was done installing it, there was a message saying "There is an update for android studio or something like that". I might install it manually, but I have no clue. – pdsafs df apk Jan 27 '15 at 15:40
  • Happened to me too today, with version downloaded from their official download page... weird.... – Liquid Core Jun 11 '15 at 09:06
  • With version 1.2 there is –  Aug 27 '15 at 18:38
  • I don't know why it was downvoted but it was the only right answer in my case. I have Studio version 1.2.1 in Ubuntu 14.04 that I manually downloaded and installed. I've tried every possible solution in this question or in many other sources, but the only button that update manager show me is "download" instead of "update and restart". I've downloaded the full installer of 1.3.2 (last stable version) and reinstalled manually. – Ricardo BRGWeb Sep 27 '15 at 14:55
  • Worth to mention answer – DummyBeginner May 10 '16 at 22:39
  • In this case do we have to uninstall manually the existing studio? – Naga Nov 06 '18 at 05:22

Here's the easiest way, as in snapshot, download the required file and install.enter image description here

arslan haktic
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    If you have checked the "offline" option under the Gradle settings, to increase your build speed for example, then you will not see the "download" or "update" button .. uncheck this, go to Update, and the update button will show – Steven Elliott Oct 21 '15 at 14:04
  • Thanks @StevenElliott, I wasn't seeing the Update button...I needed the information you provided. – Rieekan Nov 17 '15 at 23:22
  • "Offline" is not checked. I still only see the "download" button – Noobification Dec 08 '15 at 05:30

On the startup screen you can use the configure button to check for updates.

1) Choose configure > Check for Update enter image description here

2) Download the latest updates

enter image description here

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Through Android Studio:

  1. Help
  2. Check for latest update
  3. Update
Rubber Duck
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If you go to help>>check for updates it will tell you if there's an update.

You don't have to change from the stable channel. If you aren't offered an update and restart button, kindly close the window and try again. After about 4 or 5 checks like this, it will eventually show you update and restart button.

Why? because google.

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for windows users go to HELP> CHECK FOR UPDATES>UPDATE(click the link updates)


If you are already using Android Studio, you can update via the built in Update mechanism (Check For Updates); make sure you switch to the canary or beta channels if you're not being offered an update.

To configure automatic update settings, see the Updates dialog of your IDE Preferences or settings. You can then switch to either the canary or beta channels. (The default is "stable" but probably that one fails to automatically inform of updates).

Hope it helps. Thanks.

  • This may be dependent on OS as well. On OSX 10.10.4, Android Studio 1.3.1 the Studio update dialog box had a button with the text "more info..." instead of "download". This took me to the website to download and install manually. – beenhere4hours Aug 28 '15 at 14:18

These steps are for the people who already have Android Studio installed on their Windows machine >>>

Steps to download the update:

  1. Google for “Update android studio”
  2. Choose the result from “tools.android.com”
  3. Download the zip file (it’s around 500 MB).

Steps to install Android Studio from a .zip folder:

  1. Open the .zip folder using Windows Explorer.
  2. click on 'Extract all' (or 'Extract all files') option in the ribbon.
  3. Go to the extract location. And then to android-studio\bin and run studio.exe ifyou’re on 32bit OS, or studio64.exe if you’re on 64bit OS.

By then, the Andriod Studio should open and configure your uppdates enter image description here

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I am having a similar problem while updating from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3.

Go to the bin folder of your Android Studio installation folder: e.g.

cd opt/android-studio/bin

Provide run permission for studio.sh file: chmod +x studio.sh

Run Android Studio from here: ./studio.sh

and try "update and restart" from android studio.

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as of AS 1.2+ there is an auto-check for updates which will let you choose between the stable, dev, canary, and beta channels. However it is just a check instead of a full update script. It does require that you click to install and restart your install ( A problem for a remote server situation)

Lost Odinson
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Yes you are right. There is no built in mechanism for automatically updation of Android Studio. You have to manually download it and configure it.

Ambar Jain
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