I have a string of text like the following:

Image 56 ::: Beach, Summer, Sun !!! John Smith ???

I'd like to extract just John Smith

Ive tried (?s)(?<=\!\!\!).+?(?=\?\?\?})

and (\!\!\!)(?:[^])*?(\?\?\?) but the first one doesn't work, and the second one gives the result !!! John Smith ??? not just John Smith. Can you offer some help? Thank you

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    Not _every_ job requires a hammer :-) Have you thought of perhaps simply using string functions to locate and extract the data? It's likely to be far more readable. – paxdiablo Jan 13 '15 at 01:05
  • No idea what a hammer is, nor what you mean :) Sorry I'm just starting to lerrn regex tonight. Will look into those terms though, cheers – Nova Jan 13 '15 at 02:53
  • a hammer is a tool used for banging in nails, it's not some new sort of IT thing :-) The saying I'm referring to is "if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail". And what I mean is that, maybe, regex is not the right tool for this job. – paxdiablo Jan 13 '15 at 03:09

4 Answers4


You can use a capturing group with a negated character class.


To display the match result you need to reference the first group index.

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There's a stray } character in your first pattern. Remove that and it'll work.

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Try this :


Check https://regex101.com/r/uF0gV8/1 and Support of \K in regex


NODE                     EXPLANATION
(?-imsx:                 group, but do not capture (case-sensitive)
                         (with ^ and $ matching normally) (with . not
                         matching \n) (matching whitespace and #
  !!!                      '!!!'
  \s+                      whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and " ") (1 or
                           more times (matching the most amount
  \K                       restart the match
  .*?                      any character except \n (0 or more times
                           (matching the least amount possible))
  (?=                      look ahead to see if there is:
    \s+                      whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and " ") (1
                             or more times (matching the most amount
    \?{3}                    '?' (3 times)
  )                        end of look-ahead
)                        end of grouping
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