To prevent newly created modal windows to become hidden under their modal parent window I got used to always set PopupParent when calling ShowModal (as adviced here, here and here):

function TMyForm.ShowModal(ParentForm: TCustomForm): Integer;
    PopupParent := ParentForm;
    Result := inherited ShowModal;

But when debugging (a problem of lost form placement, set in FormCreate) I realized that setting PopupParent leads to a call to ReCreateWindow, thus destroying and recreating the underlying Windows screen object.

My questions:

  1. Is it a good idea to always set PopupParent - what might be resulting problems? Do viable alternatives exist?
  2. Is this still necessary in newer versions of Delphi (I am using D2006 at the moment but plan to update)?


I think all the linked questions above tackle the same problem, which is best described by the 3rd link:

[A form is opened] with ShowModal, this form opens another with ShowModal, so we have stacked modal forms. There is sometimes a problem that when we call ShowModal in new form, it hides behind previous forms, instead of showing on top. After pressing alt+tab, form comes back to the top [...]

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Alois Heimer
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2 Answers2


This question is quite old, but still relevant. The best source of information about this is from Allen Bauer himself: http://blog.therealoracleatdelphi.com/2004/02/popupmode-and-popupparent_10.html

(wayback: https://web.archive.org/web/20160324062228/http://blogs.embarcadero.com/abauer/2004/02/10/295 )

And there you find this: "If you explicitly set the PopupMode property to pmAuto prior to ShowModal, like at design-time, then the recreate isn’t necessary."

This way your code should be:

function TMyForm.ShowModal(ParentForm: TCustomForm): Integer;
    PopupMode := pmAuto;
    PopupParent := ParentForm;
    Result := inherited ShowModal;
Alexandre M
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  • New blog post url is: [community.embarcadero.com](https://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/entry/popupmode-and-popupparent-295) – ventiseis Mar 16 '18 at 12:59
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    @ventiseis Link fixed. Now pointing to personal Allen Bauer's blog which contains a copy of all posts he created during Embarcadero times. – Alexandre M Mar 17 '18 at 00:17
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    Not sure if it will work, because as per finding by @dummzeuch below, in `TCustomForm.set_PopupParent`, `FPopupMode` will be changed to `pmExplicit` when changing `PopupParent` – Edwin Yip May 09 '19 at 10:47
  • @EdwinYip I only edited that post for some grammar and spelling errors. The content is fully ventiseis' . – dummzeuch May 10 '19 at 17:34

After having spent 2 hours debugging and reading VCL code, I'll append my findings to this topic. In Delphi 10 Seattle, the behaviour is like this:

  • form window handles are allocated while creating the form by its constructor, because in TCustomForm.ReadState(Reader: TReader) the client width of the form is set which leads to the call to CreateWnd

  • so even if you put pmAuto prior ShowModal the window has to be recreated

Finally, the documentation mentions:

The PopupMode property is automatically set to pmAuto when the ShowModal method is called.

So there are these lines in ShowModal:

if (PopupMode = pmNone) and (Application.ModalPopupMode <> pmNone) then

So to make this work, you have to change Application.ModalPopupMode as well, but this also recreates the window.

So my advice is:

  • set the value for PopupMode (pmAuto) directly in your form (dfm file)

  • setting both PopupParent and PopupMode makes little sense because they are tied together PopupParent sets pmExplicit, and pmAuto resets the popup parent to nil

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    Re #2, same in XE4's `TCustomForm.set_PopupParent`, `FPopupMode` will be changed to `pmExplicit` when changing `PopupParent` – Edwin Yip May 09 '19 at 10:46