I want to get seconds and microseconds in one variable using the microtime(). If I do this:

$initial_time = microtime();
echo (explode(' ', $initial_time)[1]) . "\n";
echo (explode(' ', $initial_time)[0]) . "\n";
echo (explode(' ', $initial_time)[1]) + (explode(' ', $initial_time)[0]) . "\n";

I get:


The last line is the same as if I would have called microtime(get_as_float) or microtime(true);

How would I get the complete result 1419714319.05059700 instead of 1419714319.0506?


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Mindaugas Bernatavičius
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3 Answers3


The number of digits displayed in a floating point number is controlled by the precision setting in the PHP.ini file. Its default value is 14 and this is exactly the number of digits you see below:

1419714319.0506 // 10 digits before, 4 after decimal, 14 total

Change this setting to a larger number::

ini_set("precision", 20);
$t = microtime(true);
// float(1419716734.0712089539)

Note that this only controls the number of digits displayed, it does not affect calculations.

Having said all that, you can still use number formatting functions to display x number of digits after decimal:

$t1 = microtime(true);
echo sprintf("%.20f", $t1);           // 1419717225.92410898208618164062
echo number_format($t1, 20, ".", ""); // 1419717225.92410898208618164062
Salman A
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This gets both and I hope this is what you needed.

function microtime_float()
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
    echo (float)$sec.''.substr((float)$usec, 1);;
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Exactly as you specified, you probably can't (reliably, that is); the floating point value isn't necessarily representable.

The internal representation of the floating point will have all its decimals, but by default it's shown with a fixed number of digits.

The closest you can arrive is using sprintf:

$a =  1419714319.05059700;
print "$a\n";
print sprintf("%.8f\n", $a);

will output


as you can see, there will be a small error. Of course another possibility is to separately store and handle the integer part and the decimal part, possibly pre-multiplying it by one million as a sort of scaling:

$not_a_float = implode('.', explode(' 0.', microtime()));

Note that $not_a_float does hold the "real" value of microtime(), but does so as a string. As soon as you perform any floating point operation on that value, it will revert to the floating point precision and the representation inaccuracy will creep back.

You can process separately the two parts; for time differences, you first calculate the difference between the integer parts, then add the second decimal part, then subtract the first:


The parentheses guarantee to keep the inaccuracy to a minimum. Even so, be sure to keep all the processing possible after the timing, so that it doesn't affect timing itself:

$before_raw = microtime();
$after_raw = microtime();
$after = explode(' ', $after_raw);
$before = explode(' ', $before_raw);
$diff = ((($after[0]-$before[0])+$after[1])-$before[1]);
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