I am not expert in Linq or Lambda i really need help with this query.

This is like Statement of Account it has debit, credit and balance. however my linq query is wrong i got this result when im executing this query...

result: enter image description here suppose the result is this. enter image description here

here's my code:

 decimal Balance = 0;
 var result = from a in entities.Payments
              where a.StudentID == ParamStudentID
              select new
                 Date = a.DateAdded,
                 Code = entities.Particulars.Where(p => p.Name == a.PaymentDes).Select(sp => sp.Code).FirstOrDefault(),
                 Particulars = a.PaymentDes,
                 Debit = 0,
                 Credit = a.Amount,
                 Balance = Balance + a.Amount,
                 SyTerm = a.SchoolYear + "-" + a.Term.Trim().Substring(0, 5)

i know this is an easy question but i don't know how to solve. :D anyone can help me.

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3 Answers3


Hope it helps:

 var result = from a in entities.Payments
          where a.StudentID == ParamStudentID
          select new
             Date = a.DateAdded,
             Code = entities.Particulars.Where(p => p.Name == a.PaymentDes).Select(sp => sp.Code).FirstOrDefault(),
             Particulars = a.PaymentDes,
             Debit = 0,
             Credit = a.Amount,
             Balance = entities.Payments.Where(x => x.StudentID == ParamStudentID).TakeWhile(x => x != a).Sum(x => x.Amount) + a.Amount,
             SyTerm = a.SchoolYear + "-" + a.Term.Trim().Substring(0, 5)

I apologize if I have any syntax error, but I wrote it in Notepad, but you can get the idea :).

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As you are using Entity Framework you are dealing with a more restrictive version of LINQ. LINQ is designed around immutable variables. You can get around it with having your mutable variables outside of your query, but with LINQ to Entities that option goes away.

One way of handling it would be to do your same query then loop through it and set the balances.

var result = (from a in entities.Payments
             where a.StudentID == ParamStudentID
             orderby a.DateAdded ascending
             select new
                 Date = a.DateAdded,
                 Code = entities.Particulars.Where(p => p.Name == a.PaymentDes).Select(sp => sp.Code).FirstOrDefault(),
                 Particulars = a.PaymentDes,
                 Debit = 0,
                 Credit = a.Amount,
                 Balance = 0,
                 SyTerm = a.SchoolYear + "-" + a.Term.Trim().Substring(0, 5)

double balance = 0;

foreach(var item in result)
    balance += item.Credit;
    item.Balance = balance;

There are probably other ways to do it all in the LINQ query but I think they will probably be relatively convoluted or make SQL that is pretty weird.

Bradford Dillon
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 decimal balance = 0;  //Change for clarity
 var result = (from a in entities.Payments
              where a.StudentID == ParamStudentID
              select new
                 Date = a.DateAdded,
                 Code = entities.Particulars.Where(p => p.Name == a.PaymentDes).Select(sp => sp.Code).FirstOrDefault(),
                 Particulars = a.PaymentDes,
                 Debit = 0,
                 Credit = a.Amount,
                 SyTerm = a.SchoolYear + "-" + a.Term.Trim().Substring(0, 5)
                       Rec = r, 
                       Balance = balance += r.Credit

NOTE: This only works the first time the query is used. You should probably throw a .ToList() on the end of the query, or not reuse it without reseting the accumulator.

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  • Balance is not exist on current context this is the problem on writing your code sir. – Pseudorandom Dec 10 '14 at 22:32
  • It most certainly does. You are making an anonymous class, and can call your property whatever you like. The other Balance is the decimal accumulator you defined at the beginning. I was just giving you the specific lines to change. I have updated my answer with your entire code clip, and my suggested changes. – bigtlb Dec 10 '14 at 22:50
  • As he is working with Entity Framework this method fails. Even if you move the accumulator into the scope of the context, you get an error that Expression Trees can not contain assignment statements. If he was working with LINQ to Objects this works fine. It, however, does not work in LINQ to Entities. – Bradford Dillon Dec 11 '14 at 00:51
  • Thank you for the clarification. So the initial query can be executed, with a `ToList()` call, and then a second select can be executed to shape the result, and add the accumultaor. – bigtlb Dec 11 '14 at 05:32
  • I have modified the query to work around the entities Expression Tree issue. – bigtlb Dec 11 '14 at 06:16