Can somebody explain to me why this codes returns "TRUE". I know that i should use the "===" rather "==" but I run to this code and wondering why it returns to true. Thanks in advance.

    $s = "final";
    $i = 0;
    if($s == $i){
        echo "TRUE";
        echo "FALSE";
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  • functions *return* (a value). code *prints* or *echo*es – Karoly Horvath Nov 28 '14 at 09:09
  • possible duplicate of [How do the PHP equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators differ?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/80646/how-do-the-php-equality-double-equals-and-identity-triple-equals-comp) – J. Steen Nov 28 '14 at 09:10
  • Thanks guys. I learned a lot today :) – reignsly Nov 28 '14 at 09:18

5 Answers5


When you are trying to compare string and number, interpretator converts your string to int, so you got 0 == 0 at final. Thats why string == 0 is true.

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This is just a property of the loose comparisons implemented in PHP. I wouldn't search for any more logic behind this than that this is a given.

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Take a look at the PHP comparison tables.

You can see in the "Loose comparisons with ==" table that comparing the number 0 with a string containing text ("php" in the example) evaluates to TRUE.

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As mentionned above, it is an issue with php's loose comparison. The accepted answer on php string comparasion to 0 integer returns true? Explains it well enough IMHO. in short "==" attempts to cast your string into an int, and since it fails, the resulting int has a value of 0

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From PHP comparison operators:

If you compare a number with a string or the comparison involves numerical strings, then each string is converted to a number and the comparison performed numerically.

And from PHP string conversion to numbers:

The value is given by the initial portion of the string. If the string starts with valid numeric data, this will be the value used. Otherwise, the value will be 0 (zero).

So when you compare integer and a string, PHP tries to convert string to integer first and as "final" doesn't contain any valid numeric data, it is converted to 0.

You can try:

var_dump( intval('12final') );      //int(12)
var_dump( floatval('1.2final') );   //float(1.2)

This is because of both 12final and 1.2final start with valid numeric data (12 and 1.2 respecrively), their converted value is not 0.

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