
Anybody knows how to make a http request in java for this?

Create a new class (for example LatchSDK.java) extending Latch.java. This class should override HTTP_GET method with your own implementation to perform HTTP requests as you usually perform them in your project.

 public class LatchSDK extends Latch{

      public JsonElement HTTP_GET(String URL, Map<String, String>headers) {
           //Your implementation here
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1 Answers1


It can be done with the HttpURLConnection class. There are plenty of examples online on how to apply it.

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  • Thanks, but how I can send the Mapheaders? – Daniel Nov 08 '14 at 13:43
  • You should be able to use setRequestProperty for this: `for (String header : headers.keySet()) { httpUrlConnection.setRequestProperty(header, headers.get(header); }` – Yves Nov 08 '14 at 13:50
  • Thanks again, but I get an inputstream and I need a JsonElement. I search but I dont found how to do it – Daniel Nov 08 '14 at 14:10