I have a class that only has public automatic properties of strings like Name, ID, LastName and also I have defiend a constructor for it and defiend them as string.Empty too. Now in the code I create an array of this class like this:

AlternateAddressSummary[] alternateAddressSummaries = new AlternateAddressSummary[6];
int adrsCounter = -1;
foreach (Addresses adrs in address_alternative)
    FillAlternateAddressSummaryObject(alternateAddressSummaries[adrsCounter], adrs);

And FillAlternateAddressSummaryObject is just filling the properties of each object for example:

private void FillAlternateAddressSummaryObject(AlternateAddressSummary alA, Addresses adrs)
    alA.AlternateAdressLine1 = adrs.City;

But why do I get NULL exception on alA? Even when I create those 6 array objects, they are initialized to NULL. Shouldn't they be set to what I say in the constructor?

John Saunders
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  • show all relevant code please as well as how you were setting items to string.Empty.. also are you familiar with how to use `FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject` Method and from there you can write your own little class to set the null initial values to string.Empty as well – MethodMan Nov 04 '14 at 18:17
  • 2
    You are not creating 6 objects in an array. You are creating 6 references to objects and references default to null. You still need to create the objects by invoking the constructor. – Mike Zboray Nov 04 '14 at 18:17
  • Almost all cases of `NullReferenceException` are the same. Please see "[What is a NullReferenceException in .NET?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660142/what-is-a-nullreferenceexception-in-net)" for some hints. – John Saunders Nov 04 '14 at 18:20

1 Answers1


That's because you didn't instantiate any of the members of alternateAddressSummaries

what you did is kinda like doing this


You've declared an array of AlternateAddressSummary, but you haven't actually instantiated any of them. they're still all null

if you did this

for(int i=0; i<alternateAddressSummaries.Length; i++)
    alternateAddressSummaries[i]= new AlternateAddressSummary(/*params*/);

they would be instantiated and their values would be whatever your constructor set them to.

John Saunders
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