We must have a bug in our code, but our production website servers die when JBossAS 6.1.0.Final puts out a ton of error messages saying "OutOfMemory Error: Java heap space". I'm using a Nagios plugin to watch the jboss server.log for these errors, but that may not give us enough time to take the server off-line. Servers are Centos 6.5, Java is 1.6.0_32-b32

We used to run JMX Console, but security issues forced us to remove it.

Any suggestions on another way I can find out the heap usage so I can write a better Nagios plugin and be more predictive until we find the problem?


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1 Answers1


Have a look at Using HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError parameter for heap dump for JBoss for generating a heap dump.

Then you can use a tool such as MAT to find out where your memory is going.

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Steve C
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