I'm trying to implement claims authentication in to my site I have followed the tutorial shown here

Replacing Forms Authentication now from what I can see I have done everything correctly... so I thought, when I run my application enter my credentials I then try to set the Claim as shown here

    public ActionResult Register(UserRegister userRegister)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            var userProfile = new RegisterService().RegisterUser(userRegister);

            if (userProfile != null)
                var userCredentials = new[] {
                new Claim("UserId", Convert.ToString(userProfile.UserId)),
                new Claim("UniqueId", Convert.ToString(userProfile.UniqueId)),
                new Claim("Username", Convert.ToString(userProfile.Username)),
                new Claim("Firstname", Convert.ToString(userProfile.Firstname)),
                new Claim("Surname", Convert.ToString(userProfile.Surname)),
                new Claim("Email", Convert.ToString(userProfile.EmailAddress))};

                var id = new ClaimsIdentity(userCredentials, "Forms");
                var cp = new ClaimsPrincipal(id);
                var token = new SessionSecurityToken(cp);

                var sam = FederatedAuthentication.SessionAuthenticationModule;

                return RedirectToAction("UserProfile", "Profile", new { area = "Profile" });
                TempData["error"] = "Something went wrong with your registration, plese check the details you entered and try again";

        return View(userRegister);

But the Error I get is Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on the following line of the above


I'm not sure what exactly I'm doing wrong here, reason behind this is because I have another project again with claims authentication implemented successfully.

Any help would be beneficial.


Code Ratchet
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  • Most likely, `sam` is null - so you **cannot** call methods on it. So you really need to figure out *why* `sam` ends up being `null` - and you need to **check** for `null` before accessing it! – marc_s Oct 28 '14 at 07:55
  • @marc_s what i don't understand is I have another project set up the exact same way, same modifications to the config etc yet that one works and this one doesn't... – Code Ratchet Oct 28 '14 at 07:58
  • I hear you - but from experience, I know - there **must be** some difference in the two projects. Something you might be overlooking right now. – marc_s Oct 28 '14 at 07:59
  • @marc_s you right there's bound to be something different and judging by the look of it at the moment its going to be something small – Code Ratchet Oct 28 '14 at 08:01
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    @marc_s bam found the issue There is no SessionAuthenticationModule added to the ASP.NET Module Pipeline. A SessionAuthenticationModule must be added if WSFederationAuthenticationModule is in the Pipeline."} not sure where and what – Code Ratchet Oct 28 '14 at 08:08

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