This is a question related to a similar question Deploying just HTML, CSS webpage to Tomcat.

I followed the answers there and can successfully deploy HTML+CSS for tomcat. But now I have to run an web application powered by jetty instead of tomcat.

My question is, is it possible, and how to deploy just HTML and CSS to a custom location with jetty? (I am using Lubuntu/Ubuntu 14.04).

Thanks in advance

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1 Answers1


With Jetty 9, the process is super simple.

In your {jetty.base}/webapps/ directory create a sub-folder that will house your static file content and put your HTML/CSS in there.

Note that the name of the directory is used to determine the contextPath of your resulting webapp. (The special case name ROOT will deploy to /)


$ cd /opt/web/mybase
$ mkdir -p webapps/public
$ cd webapps/public
$ cp -R /home/user/Downloads/static-web-content/ .
$ ls

Now you can access that content via urls like http://localhost/public/flower.jpg

Joakim Erdfelt
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