I'm a Rails newbie and I have a full working datatable (thanks to railscasts #340).

In my datatable view I set up 2 buttons:

<button id="Refresh" type="button">Refresh</button>
<td><%= button_to 'dogroup', dogroup_utyord_path(format: "json"), remote: true %></td>

<table id="utyords" class="display" data-source="<%= utyords_url(format: "json") %>" width="100%">

Here is my working coffescript:

jQuery ->
  oUtyordTable = $('#utyords').dataTable
  sPaginationType: "full_numbers"
  bJQueryUI: true
  bProcessing: true
  bServerSide: true
  sAjaxSource: $('#utyords').data('source')

$("#Refresh").click ->

in my controller:

def index
  @utyords = Utyord.all
  respond_to do |format|
    format.json { render json: UtyordsDatatable.new(view_context) }

def dogroup
  ddett = Utyord.all
  ddett.update_all "grp = 1"
  respond_to do |format|

I push the "dogroup" button and the action updates records on the database correctly: when I push the "refresh" button I can see the datatable updated.

Everything works fine, but.... is there a way the datatable updates when I push the "dogroup" button without have to push the "refresh" button?

I know I miss something...

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1 Answers1


Could something as simple as this work?

$('input[value="dogroup"]').mouseup ->

Try it... Mouseup because we want it to run after click.

If it doesn't, then add an identifier to the form:

<%= button_to 'dogroup', dogroup_utyord_path(format: "json"), 
                         remote: true, form_class: "dogroup_form" %>

And then submit the form and after than run a script:

     e.preventDefault()         #to stop the form
     $(this).submit()           #to manually submit it and
     oUtyordTable.fnDraw()      #to run your function

UPDATE: From this post: to use a response from a form's ajax request that has not been handled by your own code, you can bind an event to your form (in plain javascript, not coffeescript):

Discard my proposed $(".dogroup_form").submit(e)-> functionality and add this:

$(".dogroup_form").bind('ajax:complete', function() {

From online, this could be the CoffeeScript equivalent to the above:

$(".dogroup_form").bind "ajax:complete", ->
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Ruby Racer
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  • Hi Ruby Racer, thanks so much for your reply. I tried your suggestion but it works only after the second push on the button. It happens in either way (first and second solution). I thought there is something in – davidexxx Oct 23 '14 at 09:54
  • I thought there is maybe something in respond_to do |format| that I don't understand... – davidexxx Oct 23 '14 at 10:02
  • Ok. Check my updated answer, from this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11534690/how-to-do-a-jquery-callback-after-form-submit – Ruby Racer Oct 23 '14 at 10:29