
I've developed an app that, on iPad, has a UISplitViewController. The master view is a tableview embedded in a NavigationController. The detail is not in a NavigationController (and I do not want it to be). I've added a button to the detail that I want to show/ hide the master view. I want the app to run on iOS 7.0 and later. How could I call the master view from button click in detail view?

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2 Answers2


First, override the following delegate method:

- (void)splitViewController:(UISplitViewController *)splitController willHideViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController withBarButtonItem:(UIBarButtonItem *)barButtonItem forPopoverController:(UIPopoverController *)popoverController

and use it to grab a reference to the bar button item, and store it in an iVar:

barButtonForMaster = barButtonItem;

Then, when you want to show the master view controller, make a call like this:

[barButtonForMaster.target performSelector: barButtonForMaster.action withObject: barButtonForMaster];

In case you want to perform this right at the start, then use some delay in order to prevent app crashing (thanks to the helpful comment):

[barButtonForMaster.target performSelector: barButtonForMaster.action withObject: barButtonForMaster afterDelay:1];

In that case you can perform the selector right in the split view delegate method.

David 'mArm' Ansermot
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  • thanks, but really what I was asking for is the code for myMethodToShowHideMaster – MSU_Bulldog Oct 22 '14 at 16:42
  • This would work if my detail view was embedded in a Navigation Controller, but it is not. I am using a UIButton on the detail view, not a UIBarButtonItem. Could you update your answer for a UIButton without the use of a Navigation Controller – MSU_Bulldog Oct 22 '14 at 18:19

I found a tutorial that answered my question. You can find it here: http://www.dharmaworks.net/Consulting/switching-detail-views-in-uisplitviewcontroller-with-ios7/

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