I am trying to run the example posted here http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/es7/observe/ under notifications (using Thingy) to use Object.observe feature. Here is the code snippet I ran:

function Thingy(a, b, c) {
  this.a = a;
  this.b = b;

Thingy.MULTIPLY = 'multiply';
Thingy.INCREMENT = 'increment';
Thingy.INCREMENT_AND_MULTIPLY = 'incrementAndMultiply';

Thingy.prototype = {
  increment: function(amount) {
    var notifier = Object.getNotifier(this);

    notifier.performChange(Thingy.INCREMENT, function() {
      this.a += amount;
      this.b += amount;
    }, this);

      object: this,
      type: Thingy.INCREMENT,
      incremented: amount

  multiply: function(amount) {
    var notifier = Object.getNotifier(this);

    notifier.performChange(Thingy.MULTIPLY, function() {
      this.a *= amount;
      this.b *= amount;
    }, this);

      object: this,
      type: Thingy.MULTIPLY,
      multiplied: amount

  incrementAndMultiply: function(incAmount, multAmount) {
    var notifier = Object.getNotifier(this);

    notifier.performChange(Thingy.INCREMENT_AND_MULTIPLY, function() {
    }, this);

      object: this,
      type: Thingy.INCREMENT_AND_MULTIPLY,
      incremented: incAmount,
      multiplied: multAmount

var observer = {
    records: undefined,
    callbackCount: 0,
    reset: function() {
      this.records = undefined;
      this.callbackCount = 0;
var observer2 = {
    records: undefined,
    callbackCount: 0,
    reset: function() {
      this.records = undefined;
      this.callbackCount = 0;

observer.callback = function(r) {
    observer.records = r;

observer2.callback = function(r){
    console.log('Observer 2', r);

Thingy.observe = function(thingy, callback) {
  // Object.observe(obj, callback, optAcceptList)
  Object.observe(thingy, callback, [Thingy.INCREMENT,

Thingy.unobserve = function(thingy, callback) {

var thingy = new Thingy(2, 4);

// Observe thingy
Object.observe(thingy, observer.callback);
Thingy.observe(thingy, observer2.callback);

// Play with the methods thingy exposes
thingy.increment(3);               // { a: 5, b: 7 }
thingy.b++;                        // { a: 5, b: 8 }
thingy.multiply(2);                // { a: 10, b: 16 }
thingy.a++;                        // { a: 11, b: 16 }
thingy.incrementAndMultiply(2, 2); // { a: 26, b: 36 }

When I try to run this I get TypeError: undefined is not a function. I am not familiar with Object.observe, so why is the error occurring and how to fix it.

Note: This requires Object.observe which is only present in Chrome 33+.

Alexander O'Mara
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1 Answers1


Error happens due to classic misunderstanding of this. In the code you have :

var notifier = Object.getNotifier(this);

notifier.performChange(Thingy.MULTIPLY, function() {
  this.a *= amount;
  this.b *= amount;
}, this);

The this inside performChange refers to itself and not the object whose notifier is taken. To fix this use:

var notifier = Object.getNotifier(this);
var self = this;

notifier.performChange(Thingy.MULTIPLY, function() {
  self.a *= amount;
  self.b *= amount;
}, this);

Make changes to all your notifiers, your code will work as expected.

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