I”m currently creating a website using the Ionic framework that has a sidebar on the left side. Users can click on an item to go to another page of the website. Now I have to copy the code of the sidebar to every page and that's useless and not the way to go.

So my question is if it is possible to "embed" a html page in a specific section of another page. For example I could have my sidebar be "static" and load in a login.html file in a specific div. And having one html file with all the pages would be very hard to maintain and organise.

Is that possible in some kind of way?

EDIT: As requesting, I'm adding the most relevant code I already have


<!-- Main page-->
    <ion-header-bar class="bar-dark">

        <!-- Knop toggleSidebar -->
        <button class="button button-icon" ng-click="triggerSidebar()">
            <i class="icon ion-navicon"></i>

        <h1 class="title">Proof of concept</h1>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col" col-50>5 + 8 = </div>
            <div class="col" col-25><input type="number" placeholder="13"></div>
            <div class="col" col-25><button class="button button-small">Controleer</button></div>

<!-- End Main page -->

<!-- Sidebar -->

<ion-side-menu side="left">
    <ion-header-bar class="bar-dark">
        <h1 class="title">Sidebar</h1>
            <div class="item item-divider">Settings</div>
            <a class="item" href="profiles.html"><i class="icon ion-person"></i> Profiles<span class="item-note">Freddy</span></a>
            <a class="item" href="#"><i class="icon ion-information-circled"></i> About</a>
            <a class="item" href="#"><i class="icon ion-android-mail"></i> Contact</a>

<!-- End sidebar -->

What I'm trying to reach is, when someone clicks on the "profiles" option, the content of the main page gets switched with content taken from another html file

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  • What website creator/editor do you use? – Drazzah Oct 18 '14 at 22:39
  • Yes, it’s possible. You could use iframes, even JavaScript or PHP as well. But what have you coded to achieve this goal? What you describe is painfully simple for basic coders. Maybe your a novice, but this is a coding site; not a “do work for you” site. So what have you done already? – Giacomo1968 Oct 18 '14 at 22:40
  • I'm using Webstorm and writing html from scratch. I have to say that I use the ionic framework + angularJS (does that matter?) – Matt Oct 18 '14 at 22:41
  • You should just put it on every page. Or, if you have a section for persistent code, then put it there. – Drazzah Oct 18 '14 at 22:43
  • Added the most relevant code to sketch the situation @JakeGould – Matt Oct 18 '14 at 22:47
  • @pianoman99, what if they want to change something string of the base template? If they have 100 HTMLs, that would be a lot of changes, and confusion. – Arturo Torres Sánchez Oct 18 '14 at 22:48
  • Your right, he should use persistent code. Or, here's a great way to do it. Host the html somewhere esle and reference it. Like here: http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/InsertExtHtml.html – Drazzah Oct 18 '14 at 22:51
  • That's server side, so it's included in the answer I already gave. – Arturo Torres Sánchez Oct 18 '14 at 22:54
  • Aren't we all looking to far at the moment? Couldn't this be the solution? http://stackoverflow.com/a/9003363/2015582 – Matt Oct 18 '14 at 22:56
  • @ArturoTorresSánchez The other thread fixed my issue. Thanks to everybody involved! But I last question; where exactly can I mark this a duplicatie? I can't seem to find it – Matt Oct 18 '14 at 23:19
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    The “flag” link is below the tags, next to “share” and “edit”. – Arturo Torres Sánchez Oct 18 '14 at 23:24
  • possible duplicate of [Include another HTML file in a HTML file](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8988855/include-another-html-file-in-a-html-file) – Matt Oct 18 '14 at 23:30

4 Answers4


You can solve it using angular UI-routing:

        .state("menu", {
            url: "/menu",
            abstract: true,
            templateUrl: "views/menu.html"
        .state('menu.combinedPage1', {
            url: '/combinedPage1',
            views: {
                "EmbeddedContent": {
                    templateUrl: "views/embedded1.html",
                    controller: "EmbeddedController1"
        .state('menu.combinedPage2', {
            url: '/combinedPage2',
            views: {
                "EmbeddedContent": {
                    templateUrl: "views/embedded2.html",
                    controller: "EmbeddedController2"

Here "menu" is abstract state and contains embedded views that controlled by router.


        <ion-nav-view name="EmbeddedContent"></ion-nav-view>

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You can do it by using frames :) with only html the following code will help

    <title>Multiple Pages</title>
  <FRAMESET cols="20%, 80%">
        <FRAME SRC="sidebar.html">
        <FRAME SRC="content.html">
also you can do it with php like this

  background-color: red;
  width: 200px;
  height: 100%;
  float: left;
<div id="side_bar">
  • Framesets are deprecated since HTML5. I don't think it's wise to teach new developers how to use them. – Arturo Torres Sánchez Oct 18 '14 at 23:04
  • You're right bro but he asked for a way with only html and I thought it's not bad to new developers to know all the ways to do something even if it's deprecated and I gave another and more powerful way (php) – Samer Allahham Oct 18 '14 at 23:09

You can make a link so when they click on the "profiles" it goes to another page and then you can put the code for your sidebar in a php document and use a php include tag to show it in the new page. See the example below:


<ion-side-menu side="left">
<ion-header-bar class="bar-dark">
    <h1 class="title">Sidebar</h1>
        <div class="item item-divider">Settings</div>
        <a class="item" href="profiles.html"><i class="icon ion-person"></i> Profiles<span class="item-note">Freddy</span></a>
        <a class="item" href="#"><i class="icon ion-information-circled"></i> About</a>
        <a class="item" href="#"><i class="icon ion-android-mail"></i> Contact</a>

The new page:

<!--Specific Did You Want-->
   <?php include 'sidebarCode.php';?>
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Inside <ion-side-menu-content> you can load scripts via the ui router. So what you can do is when a user clicks on a menu item, you store the page HTML as template using $templatecache and then just reload your view inside <ion-side-menu-content> that will do your job !

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