How do you install Vim such that it runs in the command line?

I saw a post here and it said to make sure that

[✓] Create .bat files for command line use

was checked. I did make sure that it was checked, but vim won't open in the command line. However,


will open gvim from the command line, which is a pop-up window. How do I open Vim so that I can edit files directly from the command line? I think that I need to edit the PATH, but I don't know what that is or how to edit it.

EDIT: I also looked at this and followed the directions, tailored to my system. Now vimtutor will briefly open the vimtutor for less than a second and close it! But Vim still doesn't work. Gvim will open Gvim still.

EDIT: I don't think I was clear when I wrote my post. Running


does not open Vim on my computer. Neither does

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2 Answers2


Use the bottom right Win8 gesture and go as following: Settings > PC Info > Advanced System Settings > Advanced > Environment Variables. Under system variables find Path in the list.

Path is just a semicolon separated list of directories. Append vim.exe to the list and it's now in your path.

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You want to run vim.exe, not gvim.exe.

Jeremy Stein
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