I have a stored procedure on SQL Server 2005. It is pulling from a Table function, and has two joins. When the query is run using a load test it kills the CPU 100% across all 16 cores! I have determined that removing one of the joins makes the query run fine, but both taxes the CPU.

  dbo.tfnGetLatest(@ID) a 
  left join [STAGING].dbo.RefSrvc b on 
   a.LID = b.ESIID
  left join [STAGING].dbo.RefSrvc c on 
   a.EID = c.ESIID 

Any help is appreciated, note the join is happening on the same table in a different database on the same server.

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Dustin Laine
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4 Answers4


This may shed some light on the problem. Can you separate the first join out into a CTE?

Something like this:

with FirstJoin(SKey,EID) as (
   select a.Skey,a.EID from 
       dbo.tfnGetLatest(@ID) a 
       left join [STAGING].dbo.RefSrvc b on a.LID = b.ESIID

select Skey from FirstJoin fj left join [STAGING].dbo.RefSrvc c on fj.EID = c.ESIID

Also, since both of your joins are left joins how do they narrow the result set? Isn't that query equivalent to select sKey from dbo.tfnGetLatest(@ID)?

Zack Angelo
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What does dbo.tfnGetLatest(@ID) return and is it inline table valued or multi-statement?

If it's multi statement then

  • it's a black box to the optimier
  • cardinality is one
  • there are no statistics for the results of the udf

Please see my answer here for why udfs can be bad

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So what is the differnce in your execution plan? Is this even using an index?

Have you tried using a UNION all instead (I preseume what you are trying to get is the records which have one or the other id which your current query wouldn;t give, all ti woudl give is a complete list of all the skey values, don't need to join at all for that.)

    dbo.tfnGetLatest(@ID) a  
    left join [STAGING].dbo.RefSrvc b on  
        a.LID = b.ESIID 
union all
    dbo.tfnGetLatest(@ID) d  
    left join [STAGING].dbo.RefSrvc c on  
        d.EID = c.ESIID  

Still might not be efficient if it isn't using an index but it would return a better recordset probably.

Or consider puttingthe values returned from the tablevalued function into a temp table where it can be indexed and then doing the join.

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  • That is the wierd thing, this only happens when load testing or in production. The query itself runs in under a second. When load testing I cannot even get 20 users on there before it hits 100% on a ll 4 XEON quad cores. With one join removed I have ramped it up to over 2000 users just fine. To answer your question the execution plan changes to show the one less join, but it overall remains the same. It is using a clustered index seek on the tables in questions and a table scan on the table function. – Dustin Laine Apr 12 '10 at 22:06
  • It is only getting one record from the TF and from the joins. – Dustin Laine Apr 12 '10 at 22:37
  • A union would bring in two records when I need only one, the multiple joins are getting data from two different ID's not duplicate. – Dustin Laine Apr 12 '10 at 23:09

This would be a lot clearer with a little sample output, but I'll jump in. What does this do for you?

SELECT SKey FROM dbo.tfnGetLatest(@ID)
    (SELECT ESIID from [STAGING].dbo.RefSrvc)
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