
As the title says, im getting that error when trying to get the value out of an user object to be displayed. Im using Entity Framework Code-First, so all the Models are generated, im trying to combine multiple tables with eachother. "Displaying all users with their project data and flextime" (Now flextime is just a decimal)


    public class ListModel
    public List<StaffModel> StaffModelList { get; set; } 

    public class StaffModel
    public FlexModel Flex { get; set; }
    public List<string> ProjectName { get; set; }

    public class FlexModel
    public User User { get; set; }
    public decimal FlexTime { get; set; }


@model Aviato.ViewModel.ListModel 

<table class="table">
@foreach (var item in Model.StaffModelList)

            @foreach (var project in item.ProjectName)

            @Html.ActionLink("Redigera", "Edit", new { id = item.Flex.User.UserId })
            @Html.ActionLink("Ta bort", "Delete", new { id = item.Flex.User.UserId })


private readonly AviatoModel _db = new AviatoModel(); //Database

public ActionResult Index()
        var projects = _db.Projects.ToList();
        var users = _db.Users.ToList();
        var model = new ListModel();

        model.StaffModelList = new List<StaffModel>();

        foreach (var u in users)
            var flexModel = new StaffModel();
            flexModel.Flex.User = u; //This is where the Error occurs.
            flexModel.Flex.FlexTime = GetFlex.Flex(u.UserId);

        return View(model);

Please help.

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1 Answers1


The Flex property of StaffModel is never instantiated so when you try to access a method on it, you get the NullReferenceException. Add a constructor to your class like this to create it as an empty object:

public class StaffModel
    public StaffModel()
        Flex = new FlexModel();

Hans Kesting
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