Basically I have my "Home"-Template which shows two identically tables with different content. The tables on the Home-Template are showing just the latest five "orders" per table. With a click on the table header(h2 in Template "showLatestOrders"), I want to route to their own Template where a complete list is shown.

I know I could just many different Templates. But this seems very ugly.

I'm using iron:router and I wonder how I can make this "pathFor" in my Template "showLatestOrders" dynamic, so I just need one Template for all my overview tables.


<template name="home">
  <div class="container">
      {{> showLatestOrders heading="Closed Orders" data=getLatestClosedOrders}}
      {{> showLatestOrders heading="Open Orders" data=getLatestOpenOrders}}

<template name="showLatestOrders">
  <h2><a href="{{pathFor 'orderOverview'}}">{{this.heading}}</a> 
    <table >
        {{#each data}}

<template name="orderOverview">
  <div class="container">
      <h1>How to get a dynamic heading and collection here, based on where the route comes from?</h1>
        {{> reactiveTable collection=getOrders }}


Template.home.getLatestOpenOrders = function () {
    var data = Orders.find({
        // get just open orders
    }, {
        limit: 5
    return data;

Template.home.getLatestCompletedOrders = function () {
    var data = Orders.find({
        // get just completed orders
    }, {
        limit: 5
    return data;

Template.orderOverview.getOrders = function() {
  return Orders.find({});
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  • Do you want to determine current url ? – yoK0 Oct 01 '14 at 06:28
  • No, I want to route to my "orderOverview" template dynamic. So I can use it for multiple data contexts. Therefor I need to insert a variable inside my iron router link like: {{this.heading}} But then I just get "/orderOverview?view=this.heading" and this.heading is not resolving. – peggel Oct 01 '14 at 06:41
  • this.heading comes from the prior spacebars call: {{> showLatestOrders heading="Open Orders" data=getLatestOpenOrders}} – peggel Oct 01 '14 at 06:44

1 Answers1


pathFor can take parameters for the route. What I would do is pass the heading information as a parameter for the route, and hold it in a Session variable to be accessed in the helpers:

In the template:

<a href="{{pathFor 'orderOverview' heading=this.heading}}">{{this.heading}}</a>

In the routes:

Router.map(function () {
    // your routes etc.
    this.route('orderOverview', {
        path: '/orderOverview/:heading',
        onBeforeAction: function () {
            Session.set('heading', this.params.heading);

In the helpers:

Template.orderOverview.getOrders = function() {
    return Orders.find({"heading": Session.get('heading')});
Conor Strejcek
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