I must run micro-crawler https://github.com/WebMole/Micro-Crawler which is a crawler web application, that run with node.js. I could not figure out how to open this app, I download node.js, and when I write install npm and install bower to the node.js command line nothing happened. Also I did not understand how to start web applicaion after installations

Please help me

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2 Answers2


Finally I solved the issue

  • First, I install node.js, then move node.js folder to wampserver directory, and move the web sites files in the node.js directory
  • Second, I go to the path where node.js is from command line, then enter "install npm" command line
  • The error appeared in this phase for solving I create a npm folder in c:users/user_name_of_your_computer/app_data/roaming then I installed git and enter the directories of bin and cmd files of git to the system enviroments/path
  • Third I enter the commands "bower install" and "npm install -g grunt-cli" from the comand. from the path of where node.js is

and the micro-crawler works

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Did you execute your .js file? You can do that with node.js cli thus:

path/to/your/file: node file.js

This is a good reference: How to run a hello.js file in Node.js on windows?

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The Onin
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  • I tried this now there is a Gruntfile.js file and I ran it. But nothing happened. – ydmpcn Sep 28 '14 at 12:04
  • Were you in the same directory as you the file you were trying to execute? Can you post a screenshot? – The Onin Sep 28 '14 at 12:49
  • http://imgur.com/uweOKgw I put all micro-crawler files in node.js file, and put node files in wamp server www file – ydmpcn Sep 28 '14 at 13:52
  • I meant screenshot of both working folder and commaind line interface. Furthermore, there's no need for what you did. – The Onin Sep 28 '14 at 16:44