Is there a custom implementation for ASP.NET Identity 2.0 that does not use Entity Framework? I'm hoping for something that does not use a full blown ORM but something along the lines of Dapper. The reason I'm asking is because I am not using Entity Framework anywhere else in the project so I would like to stay away from it if possible.

I know I could work on my own implementation but I do not have the extra time to spend on that.

Ryan Rodemoyer
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1 Answers1


Frustration and lack of other options forced me to do it myself. Here is the project page on GitHub: https://github.com/ryanrodemoyer/AltProvidersForAspNetIdentity2. It's a ways off from a tested usable project but it's a starting point.

Ryan Rodemoyer
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    This seems to be a common problem. Each new version of Identity obliges folk to surgically remove EF. Did this solution find it's way into production code? – bbsimonbb Mar 09 '16 at 09:58
  • Bleh, looks promising, but I can't get it working after a couple of hours. The async methods are MIA and /Identity/UserStore.cs looks like an EF class. Dapper.Rainbow probably received a breaking update as the async methods are still in there or Visual Studio is referencing classes differently, I noticed that Table might be pointing back to ADO instead of the Dapper implementation. Oh well, I found another example, will update this if that works. – RandomUs1r Mar 28 '17 at 16:41
  • @Ryan-rodemoyer is there any video also on the same as I'm a beginner in asp.net identity membership model? – vibs2006 Nov 19 '17 at 13:49
  • Also there is little bit abstract level help given on the microsoft docs page. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/identity/overview/extensibility/overview-of-custom-storage-providers-for-aspnet-identity – vibs2006 Nov 19 '17 at 14:01