Using Slick.js - how does one get current and total slides (ie. 3/5) as a simpler alternative to the dots?

I've been told I can use the customPaging callback using the callback argument objects, but what does that mean exactly?

    slide: 'img',
    autoplay: true,
    dots: true,
    customPaging: function (slider, i) {
        return slider.slickCurrentSlide + '/' + (i + 1);


Gleb Kemarsky
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Mark Boulder
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9 Answers9


The slider object contains the slide count as property.

Slick < 1.5

    slide: 'img',
    autoplay: true,
    dots: true,
    dotsClass: 'custom_paging',
    customPaging: function (slider, i) {
        //FYI just have a look at the object to find available information
        //press f12 to access the console in most browsers
        //you could also debug or look in the source
        return  (i + 1) + '/' + slider.slideCount;


Update for Slick 1.5+ (tested until 1.8.1)

var $status = $('.pagingInfo');
var $slickElement = $('.slideshow');

$slickElement.on('init reInit afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
    //currentSlide is undefined on init -- set it to 0 in this case (currentSlide is 0 based)
    var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1;
    $status.text(i + '/' + slick.slideCount);

    slide: 'img',
    autoplay: true,
    dots: true


Update for Slick 1.9+

var $status = $('.pagingInfo');
var $slickElement = $('.slideshow');

$slickElement.on('init reInit afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
    //currentSlide is undefined on init -- set it to 0 in this case (currentSlide is 0 based)
    var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1;
    $status.text(i + '/' + slick.slideCount);

    autoplay: true,
    dots: true


Example when using slidesToShow

var $status = $('.pagingInfo');
var $slickElement = $('.slideshow');

$slickElement.on('init reInit afterChange', function (event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) {
  // no dots -> no slides
  //currentSlide is undefined on init -- set it to 0 in this case (currentSlide is 0 based)
  var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1;
  // use dots to get some count information
  $status.text(i + '/' + (slick.$dots[0].children.length));

  infinite: false,
  slidesToShow: 4,
  autoplay: true,
  dots: true


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  • Awesome! But how would one display the right paging for each slide? `1/3` on the first, `2/3` on the second etc.? – Mark Boulder Sep 15 '14 at 13:38
  • you want to place the paging information on the slides ? – Mx. Sep 15 '14 at 13:41
  • Yep. If you remove `customPaging` and `dotsClass` altogether you can see how Slick originally does this. But I believe `N/N` would be a tad more minimalistic. http://jsfiddle.net/frank_o/2uhtas91/3/ is wrong obviously but.. – Mark Boulder Sep 15 '14 at 13:43
  • there's any way to do this in angular version of slick? thank you – João Paulo Fricks Jan 26 '16 at 13:43
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    `ul.slick-dots { li { &.slick-active { display: block; } display: none; } }` with this SCSS I got the correct item to display. Works well enough thanks! – HongPong Nov 16 '17 at 23:02
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    Make sure you define the init event listener BEFORE your init slick code or it won't do anything. – Jones03 Mar 27 '18 at 09:14
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    could do $status.html( '' + i + ' / ' + slick.slideCount + ''); if you wanna style the paginations ! awesome answer – Shamseer Ahammed Sep 12 '19 at 10:17
  • How would you handle if the there were more slides and wouldn't be infinite? Like here: http://jsfiddle.net/rvz0eytk/ It gives you wrong numbers for slick.slideCount – levipadre Dec 18 '19 at 17:00
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    In that case you cant use `slick.slideCount` info, but the information is avialable via `slick.$dots[0].children.length`. Heres an example http://jsfiddle.net/rLckgsxh/ – Mx. Jan 02 '20 at 12:31
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    Great job for updating this one, the last one works perfectly! – Loosie94 Jul 02 '20 at 14:58

You need to bind init before initialization.

$('.slider-for').on('init', function(event, slick){
        $(this).append('<div class="slider-count"><p><span id="current">1</span> von <span id="total">'+slick.slideCount+'</span></p></div>');
      slidesToShow: 1,
      slidesToScroll: 1,
      arrows: true,
      fade: true
        .on('afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
            // finally let's do this after changing slides
            $('.slider-count #current').html(currentSlide+1);
Bharat Parmar
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This might help:

  • You don't need to enable dots or customPaging.
  • Position .slick-counter with CSS.




var $el = $('.slideshow');

  slide: 'img',
  autoplay: true,
  onInit: function(e){
    $el.append('<div class="slick-counter">'+ parseInt(e.currentSlide + 1, 10) +' / '+ e.slideCount +'</div>');
  onAfterChange: function(e){
    $el.find('.slick-counter').html(e.currentSlide + 1 +' / '+e.slideCount);


Joe L.
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I use this code and it works:

.slider - this is slider block

.count - selector which use for return counter

$(".slider").on("init", function(event, slick){
    $(".count").text(parseInt(slick.currentSlide + 1) + ' / ' + slick.slideCount);

$(".slider").on("afterChange", function(event, slick, currentSlide){
    $(".count").text(parseInt(slick.currentSlide + 1) + ' / ' + slick.slideCount);
    slidesToShow: 1,
    arrows: true
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Based on the first proposition posted by @Mx. (posted sept.15th 2014) I created a variant to get a decent HTML markup for ARIA support.

    slide: 'img',
    autoplay: true,
    dots: true,
    dotsClass: 'custom_paging',
    customPaging: function (slider, i) {
        //FYI just have a look at the object to find available information
        //press f12 to access the console in most browsers
        //you could also debug or look in the source
        var slideNumber   = (i + 1),
            totalSlides = slider.slideCount;
        return '<a class="custom-dot" role="button" title="' + slideNumber + ' of ' + totalSlides + '"><span class="string">' + slideNumber + '</span></a>';

jsFiddle DEMO


Using the previous method with more than 1 slide at time was giving me the wrong total so I've used the "dotsClass", like this (on v1.7.1):

// JS

var slidesPerPage = 6

$(".slick").on("init", function(event, slick){
   maxPages = Math.ceil(slick.slideCount/slidesPerPage);
   $(this).find('.slider-paging-number li').append('/ '+maxPages);

   slidesToShow: slidesPerPage,
   slidesToScroll: slidesPerPage,
   arrows: false,
   autoplay: true,
   dots: true,
   infinite: true,
   dotsClass: 'slider-paging-number'

// CSS

ul.slider-paging-number {
    list-style: none;
    li {
        display: none;
        &.slick-active {
            display: inline-block;
        button {
            background: none;
            border: none;
  • This actually worked for me - but it throws up errors in the console saying "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'add' of null" which means that it's calling slick twice :-( – coops May 17 '19 at 08:22
Modifications are done to the new Slick version 1.7.1.

Here is a updated script example: jsfiddle

Magni Hansen
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if you want page numbering:

Example: 1 2 3 4...


<div class="slider">
    <div>Some content</div>
    <div class="slider-number"><span>1 2 3 4...</span></div>
    <div>Some content</div>
    <div class="slider-number"><span>1 2 3 4...</span></div>


$('.slider').on('init reInit afterChange',
    function(event, slick, currentSlide){
        var status = $(this).find('.slider-number span');
        //currentSlide is undefined on init -- set it to 0 in this case (currentSlide is 0 based)
        var i = slick.currentSlide;
        var slidesLength = slick.slideCount;
        var numberSlide1 = i + 1 <= slidesLength ? i + 1 : i - (slidesLength - 1);
        var numberSlide2 = i + 2 <= slidesLength ? i + 2 : i - (slidesLength - 2);
        var numberSlide3 = i + 3 <= slidesLength ? i + 3 : i - (slidesLength - 3);
        var numberSlide4 = i + 4 <= slidesLength ? i + 4 : i - (slidesLength - 4);

        status.html('<strong>'+numberSlide1+'</strong>' + ' ' +
            numberSlide2 + ' ' +
            numberSlide3 + ' ' +
            numberSlide4 + '...');

JsFiddle DEMO


I had an issue with multiple slides. version 1.8.1

if slidesToShow and slidesToScroll more than 1

trick is in slick.slickGetOption('slidesToShow');

$(".your-selector").on('init reInit afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
    var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1;
    var slidesToShow = slick.slickGetOption('slidesToShow');
    var curPage = parseInt((i-1)/slidesToShow) + 1;
    var lastPage =  parseInt((slick.slideCount-1)/slidesToShow) + 1;

Note curPage and lastPage is separate. I had to color them differently.

Based on top-voted answer

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