at first I have to confess that I'm a raw recruit in Meteor. Yesterday I added mrt:iron-router-progress to my meteor project because I wanted to simply add a background picture to myApp. But my Problem is that it doesn't yield into this iron-router-progress-div-Tag, but under it, so the background is not visible.

<div id="iron-router-progress" class="done" style="width: 100%;"></div>
<div class="page-header">
<section id="login">

I have following packages: - standard-app-packages - meteorhacks:npm - mrt:moment - less - nemo64:bootstrap - iron:router - npm-container - mrt:iron-router-progress - coffeescript - blaze - meteorhacks:fast-render

layout.html looks like:

<template name="layout">
    {{> yield region="navbar"}}
    {{> yield}}
    {{> yield region="footer"}}

router.js looks like:

    layoutTemplate: 'layout',
    notFoundTemplate : 'notFound'

IronRouterProgress.configure({ })

Router.map( function(){
        progress: {enabled: true}

I define #iron-router-progress in style.css.

  • Hi, can you explain a bit more... because iron router progress only installed and it works. I don't have any problem with it. – Walter Zalazar Sep 11 '14 at 12:54
  • Hi Walter, I don't know what else might be relevant for you... I use furthermore a bought Template which delivers me a lot of css, js and html files. – mark_da_rat Sep 11 '14 at 13:21
  • You can to use the console of chrome, here you can see, how to works iron router progress. For example, there are two status...
    – Walter Zalazar Sep 11 '14 at 13:32

1 Answers1


you must to install Iron Router Progress, the following way fot Meteor 0.91 or later, when you install this package just it works.

$ meteor add mrt:iron-router-progress

you don't must to put it in your code html

<div id="iron-router-progress" class="done" style="width: 100%;"></div>

Iron router progress has two status

<div id="iron-router-progress" class="spinner" style="width: 0%;"></div> 

<div id="iron-router-progress" class="spinner loading done" style="width: 100%;"></div>

if you have some problem, you must to check if you have another class spinner, loading or done that replaces something of iron router progress

Walter Zalazar
  • 531
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  • Thanks, but I already installed it on this way; firebird shows me this div-tag, so I thought my code shall get in there, because iron-router-progress created it... – mark_da_rat Sep 11 '14 at 13:36
  • That spinner class works like it should, at the beginning it loads and then it shows class"spinner"... maybe the reason for that is, that I before that, installed "mrt add iron-router-progress" and then deleted it again, because it produced a lot of errors – mark_da_rat Sep 11 '14 at 13:50
  • maybe, when I installed update Meteor 0.91, I decided to create one new project, I prefered to prevent errors.. – Walter Zalazar Sep 11 '14 at 13:57
  • Yeah, that's true, switching through all the packages and updates, left quite a mess in my library... Thank u :) – mark_da_rat Sep 11 '14 at 14:09