Is there a way to convert sqlite to json? All other questions are parsing json and saving to sqlite. I can't seem to find any reference on this, please help me.

I have a sqlite db inside the app and i need it to be converted to json, upgrade db version, parse earlier converted json and add another table. Any suggestions on how should I do this?

Thanks in advance.

Lendl Leyba
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  • you can get an ArrayList from your Db and with a library like Gson or Jackson convert it to JSON. – Arash GM Sep 08 '14 at 10:52
  • I'm not sure I understand why this is the first time someone has asked this question, because don't you have to do this in order to sync a MySQL database to an Android SQLite database?? – Lou Morda Oct 27 '14 at 01:41

6 Answers6


Reference Link

private JSONArray getResults()

String myPath = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;// Set path to your database 

String myTable = TABLE_NAME;//Set name of your table

//or you can use `context.getDatabasePath("my_db_test.db")`

SQLiteDatabase myDataBase = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY); 

String searchQuery = "SELECT  * FROM " + myTable;
Cursor cursor = myDataBase.rawQuery(searchQuery, null );

JSONArray resultSet     = new JSONArray(); 

while (cursor.isAfterLast() == false) {

            int totalColumn = cursor.getColumnCount();
            JSONObject rowObject = new JSONObject();

            for( int i=0 ;  i< totalColumn ; i++ )
                if( cursor.getColumnName(i) != null ) 
                        if( cursor.getString(i) != null )
                            Log.d("TAG_NAME", cursor.getString(i) );
                            rowObject.put(cursor.getColumnName(i) ,  cursor.getString(i) );
                            rowObject.put( cursor.getColumnName(i) ,  "" ); 
                    catch( Exception e )
                        Log.d("TAG_NAME", e.getMessage()  );
        Log.d("TAG_NAME", resultSet.toString() );
        return resultSet;  
Sagar Pilkhwal
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    This is from the article [Convert database cursor result to Json Array](http://tech.sarathdr.com/android-app/convert-database-cursor-result-to-json-array-android-app-development/). It is good to post the reference link when you copy paste. – Madan Sapkota Jul 01 '15 at 09:38
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    Nice one buddy. - just one amend. to get your database path please use=> context.getDatabasePath("my_db_test.db") - do not hardcode as /data/data.... – Thiago Apr 26 '16 at 03:55

Quick and easy way if you don't feel like coding it:

  • Download DB Browser for SQLite: https://sqlitebrowser.org/ (yes, it's free)
  • Open the SQLite DB
  • Go to File > Export > Table(s) to JSON
  • Voila

Beware, for some reason it does not correctly convert NULL values. It converts this to an empty string... Besides that it works like a charm as far as I now.

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sqlite, already have json1 extension, you could use:


         var _sql = "SELECT json_group_array( json_object('id', id, 'name', name)    ) AS json_result FROM (SELECT * FROM ipfs ORDER BY id); ";

sql.js does not support json1 extension,

my working example convert raw record to json

 function json1_extension(_records){

                                      var _json = [];

                                        var _columns = _records[0].columns
                                        var _values = _records[0].values

                                          for (var i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
                                                var _row_json = {};

                                                var _row = _values[i];
                                                for (var k = 0; k < _row.length; k++) {
                                                    _row_json[_columns[k]] = _row[k]




                    return _json
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static JSONObject cursorToJson(Cursor c) {
    JSONObject retVal = new JSONObject();
    for(int i=0; i<c.getColumnCount(); i++) {
        String cName = c.getColumnName(i);
        try {
            switch (c.getType(i)) {
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER:
                    retVal.put(cName, c.getInt(i));
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT:
                    retVal.put(cName, c.getFloat(i));
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING:
                    retVal.put(cName, c.getString(i));
                case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB:
                    retVal.put(cName, DataUtils.bytesToHexString(c.getBlob(i)));
        catch(Exception ex) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Exception converting cursor column to json field: " + cName);
    return retVal;
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To convert SQLite to JSON, you could use this python tool: https://github.com/Austyns/sqlite-to-json-python

you could also use this online tool https://data-converters.web.app/ if you don't want to code

Austine Iyke
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This npm package does the job. It can convert your sqlite file to json easy. It also provides functions to manipulate the output.


Mano Haran
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