I'm having a hard time understanding how to replace fragments using the FragmentPagerAdapter. I have a class that extends FragmentPagerAdapter (android.support.v13.app.FragmentPagerAdapter) and my MainActivity implements ActionBar.TabListener, in the FragmentPageAdapter class I use the getItem() to setup my 3 fragments. so far so good.

One of these fragments is a ListView (pos #1), which I use a Listener to check on the onItemClick().

I want to replace the current ListView Fragment with another fragment so what I did is that inside the onItemClick() I perform the following code:

FragmentManager mFragmentManager = mActivity.getFragmentManager();          

//new fragment to replace
Fragment mFragment = new TabPlaceFragment();

                            .replace(R.id.pager, mFragment)

What this is doing is that the fragment is replace with a blank fragment, I'm assuming is the pager, but the mFragment does not get replace. I tried giving an Id to the Current fragment and tried replacing it.

                                .replace(R.id.frament_old, mFragment)

But what this does is that it overlaps the new fragment on top of the old fragment

finally I tried getting the Id of the fragment to replace with the new, but this also gave me a blank fragment.

//this gives me the current fragment I want to replace
    Fragment mCurrent = mFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(MainHelper.getFragmentName(mViewPager.getId(), 1));

                                    .replace(mCurrent.getId(), mFragment)

I'm sure I'm not implementing the method correctly but I cannot find a good example to follow the logic of my code. I thought of putting the fragment replacement in the MainActivity under getItem(), but don't know how to call it from within my onItemClick() Listener.

Any help is highly appreciated!!!


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  • after `commit` call `viewpager.getAdapter().notifayDataSetChanged();` – mmlooloo Aug 29 '14 at 07:10
  • Thank you @mmlooloo, it does make perfect sense that the `mViewPager` needs to notify of a change made, sadly in my code it didn't work, I still got the two fragment overlapping each other. In the past I've worked with `FrameLayout` in the xml and replament works great, right now I'm not (I'm following example from Google and the code generated by Eclipse). I will play around with the `FrameLayout` but I think I need to understand better how the `ViewPager` works and interacts with the `FragmentManager`. – kimosavi Aug 29 '14 at 15:45
  • i suggest you:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18745600/how-to-replace-fragment-inside-viewpager-using-pageradapter and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7445437/replace-fragment-with-another-fragment-inside-viewpager and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18588944/replace-one-fragment-with-another-in-viewpager and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7723964/replace-fragment-inside-a-viewpager – mmlooloo Aug 29 '14 at 16:11
  • Thanks again @mmlooloo! the example in [link](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18745600/how-to-replace-fragment-inside-viewpager-using-pageradapter) did help understand, as expected I need a `FrameLayout` to host my fragments, which I wasn't doing. I will give it a try. – kimosavi Aug 29 '14 at 16:33
  • also `POSITION_UNCHANHED` and `POSITION_NONE` – mmlooloo Aug 29 '14 at 16:34
  • Thanks @mmlooloo! the sample code you referenced worked great! I understand it now how to replace fragments within the `FragmentPagerAdapter`. – kimosavi Aug 29 '14 at 22:56
  • for me was following this example: [link](https://github.com/danilao/fragments-viewpager-example) I was missing a `FrameLayout` to host the new Fragments. – kimosavi Aug 31 '14 at 02:23

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