This is my site that I'm working on the contact page.

I'm using formmail.php for the contact form (http://www.tectite.com/)

When the user submits the form I want it to say something like "Thank you, your message has been sent." But I want this text to be displayed on the page where the form is - NOT open a separate URL.

There is already a way to redirect to a separate page by using:

    <input type="hidden" name="good_url" value="http://yoursite.com/thanks.htm" />

However since my site is a single page scrolling site, I want to avoid navigating away.

Willi Mentzel
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3 Answers3


You can simply use ajax functionality to do it

                url: "page which you want to call on action",
                data: $( "form" ).serialize(),
                type: 'POST',
                async: false,
                success: function(responseObject) {
                   // $("#hiddendiv").show(); // OR
                   // $("#hiddendiv").html("thanks message");
Abhishek Sanghvi
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  • `$.post()` is the shorthand. Also, it's suggested to show a "Loading" message on-screen, or users won't know what's going on when AJAX is being executed behind the scene. – Raptor Aug 27 '14 at 09:49
  • I just gave an Idea of how we can go about it. Also i think @user2419684 is a programmer and he can manage how UI would appear.. check http://stackoverflow.com/a/12820123/165370 – Abhishek Sanghvi Aug 27 '14 at 09:50
  • I've tried both this and @Kanantuteja solution below, but it is still displaying the default formmail page - how can I override this? – user2419684 Aug 27 '14 at 10:11
  • You need to provide more details (form mail page or send page ) in order to help you better – Abhishek Sanghvi Aug 27 '14 at 10:14

Try this ajax

          type: "POST",
          url: "send.php",
          data: $(form).serialize(),
          timeout: 3000,
          success: function() {
            $('#divContactFrm').html("<div id='divSuccessMsg'></div>");
            $('#divSuccessMsg').html("Thank you!")
            .fadeIn(1500, function() { $('#divSuccessMsg'); 
Kanan tuteja
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You can use Ajax as @Abhishek answered. Or do something like below.

   //Your code for mailing

Then at the place you want to show the message

   echo "Thanks";
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    Huh? If the page doesn't reload, the PHP `isset()` won't check again. Also, don't forget to put an `exit()` after `header('Location: url');`. Wrong header syntax too. – Raptor Aug 27 '14 at 09:48