By using $_SESSION['loggedin'] = true, my users will only be logged in until they close their browser.

How can I keep them logged in forever? (like Facebook or Stack Overflow)

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2 Answers2


The default PHP session is 24 minutes. You need to use

$_SESSION['timeout'] = time() * 9999999999999; // infinity

Make sure that you regenerate a session every now and then to protect against session stealing.

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First of all, you do need to set your session timeout to a longer length. I would be conservative and do 30 days, opposed to previously recommended time() * 9999999999999. Setting the session timeout to a long time will ensure that your session isn't deleted on browser close.

Second of all, you need to decide where to set this timeout. If you're only running one site from a specific server, just modify the php.ini file. You're looking for something called session.gc_maxlifetime.

Lastly, you must be cautious of doing this. Sites like Facebook and GitHub require you to reconfirm your password before making account-level changes. So, keep security in mind when setting long timeouts.

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