I have this code that I would like to improve on:

sealed abstract class A
case class B() extends A
case class C() extends A
case class D() extends A

case class Foo[+T <: A](a: T)

/** Puts instances that match Foo(B()) in the first list and everything else,
  * i.e. Foo(C()) and Foo(D()), in the second list. */
def partition(foos: List[Foo[_ <: A]]): (List[Foo[B]], List[Foo[_ <: A]]) = {
  // ...

I would like to improve on this in the following respects:

  1. Can I change partition's return type so that it states that there is no Foo[B] in the second list?
  2. Can I get rid of Foo's type parameter T (i.e. change Foo to case class Foo(a: A)) and still declare partition with the same type guarantees? (Obviously, it would have to return something different than (List[Foo], List[Foo]).)

P.S.: Let me know if "shapeless" tag is not relevant for this question.

Tomas Mikula
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2 Answers2


This question is a little tricky because of the way that Scala mixes up algebraic data types (like your A) and subtyping. In most languages with ADTs, B, C, and D wouldn't be types at all—they'd just be "constructors" (in a sense that's similar to but not the same as OOP constructors).

It wouldn't make sense to talk about a Foo[B] in these languages (like Haskell or OCaml), but in Scala you can, because Scala implements ADTs as case classes (and class objects) extending a base trait or class. That doesn't mean you should go around talking about Foo[B], though, and in general if you want to think in FP terms and use the type system to your advantage, it's a good idea not to.

To answer your specific questions:

  1. No, not really in any convenient way. You could use a tagged union (a list with Either[Foo[C], Foo[D]] elements) or something like Shapeless's Coproduct (a list with Foo[C] :+: Foo[D] :+: CNil elements) to represent "a list of things of type A, but not B", but both approaches are fairly heavy machinery for something that probably isn't the best idea in the first place.
  2. I'd recommend not parametrizing Foo on the subtype of A, but if you want to be able to represent "a Foo that contains a B" at the type level, you're going to need to keep your current approach.

To address your postscript: if you want to generalize over ADTs, Shapeless is definitely applicable—see my blog post here about partitioning by constructor, for example. If you're only doing this for A, though, Shapeless probably won't buy you much.

As a footnote, if I really needed a partitioning operation that split out elements of type Foo[B], I'd probably write it like this:

def partition(foos: List[Foo[A]]): (List[Foo[B]], List[Foo[A]]) =
  foos.foldRight((List.empty[Foo[B]], List.empty[Foo[A]])) {
    case (Foo(B()), (bs, others)) => (Foo(B()) :: bs, others)
    case (other, (bs, others)) => (bs, other :: others)

It's not ideal—if we really want a List[Foo[B]], it'd be nice to have a List[Foo[~B]] to represent the leftovers—but it's not too bad.

Travis Brown
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  • Thanks for the answer. Yeah, I don't like having `Foo` parameterized by the subtype of `A`, because most of the time I would just use `Foo[A]`, which does not convey any additional information compared to non-parameterized `Foo`. My partition function can at least return `(List[(Foo, B)], List[Foo])`, so that I don't have to repeat the pattern matching on `B`. – Tomas Mikula Aug 10 '14 at 12:51
  • If I change my `A` to `type A = B :+: C :+: D :+: CNil`, It would be nice to have `B :-: A` to remove `B` from the coproduct `A`. I guess this is impossible to implement? – Tomas Mikula Aug 10 '14 at 12:54
  • You could get evidence that a type is `B :-: A` via a type class, but I don't think that syntax is going to be possible. – Travis Brown Aug 10 '14 at 15:21
  • Do you mean a type class, say `AMinusB`, that would be analogous to trait `T` (or `NotB`) from Ionuț's answer? – Tomas Mikula Aug 10 '14 at 21:59
  • Well, a type class at least has the advantage that type class membership can be established ad-hoc. – Tomas Mikula Aug 10 '14 at 22:01

What I'm about to show is not a very flexible solution. Its usefulness depends entirely on what you're trying to model, but I thought it would be an interesting approach nevertheless.

You could introduce a second trait, say T, in the hierarchy and extend all non-B case classes from it.

sealed trait A
sealed trait T extends A

case class B() extends A
case class C() extends A with T
case class D() extends A with T

case class Foo[+T <: A](a: A)

def partition(foos: List[Foo[A]]): (List[Foo[B]], List[Foo[T]]) = ???
Ionuț G. Stan
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  • Thanks for the answer. It does not scale well, though. Let's rename your `T` to `NotB`. Then there should be `NotC` and `NotD`, and `B() extends A with NotC with NotD`, `C() extends A with NotB with NotD`, `D() extends A with NotB with NotC`. The boilerplate grows with the square of the number of types, yet it does not convey any new information that is not already present in my original code. – Tomas Mikula Aug 10 '14 at 12:50
  • @TomasMikula yes, I agree about the scaling issue. That's why I added the note in the begging of the answer. I disagree that it doesn't provide any extra information compared to your original code. The return type of `partition` says that the second tuple element won't contain instances of `B`. – Ionuț G. Stan Aug 11 '14 at 09:06
  • Right. What I meant was that the new definition of A and its subclasses (extending `Not*` traits) does not convey any new information. – Tomas Mikula Aug 11 '14 at 13:23
  • Anyway, `A` and subclasses are defined in a different place (different library actually) than the `partition` function. I want all the extra information necessary to define `partition` to be in the same place as `partition` itself. – Tomas Mikula Aug 11 '14 at 13:34
  • @TomasMikula you might find this answer (and thread) useful. https://groups.google.com/d/msg/scala-user/8YpX1VkIkDs/dxwBV5m_drEJ It's similar to what Travis Brown suggested with the typeclass, only it's automated by the use of a macro. – Ionuț G. Stan Aug 11 '14 at 13:51