I want a regex expression which only match extensionless url. In otherwords if an extension is present in url then completely ignore it.

/(.+)/(.+) this will match an URL both with and without extension.

www.site.com/sports/cricket should match

www.site.com/sports/cricket.aspx shouldn't match

Thanks in advance

Tim Pietzcker
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  • What about www.site.com/sports.aspx/cricket? And "/(.+)/(.+)" does not match www.site.com. Is this intentional? – Jens Mar 25 '10 at 10:55

3 Answers3


This will match strings with no . after last /

Draco Ater
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The following will only match strings which have at least two / (per your example regex), and don't have a . anywhere after the last /:


I'd recommend http://www.regular-expressions.info/ if you want to learn more about regexs.

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will match a URL (without a domain) that contains no dot after the last slash.

EDIT: Adapted it better to the original regex.

Tim Pietzcker
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