I have an array of dates, that looks something along these lines:

var dates = [
  { day: 14, month: 4 },
  { day: 28, month: 4 },
  { day: 29, month: 11 },
  { day: 2, month: 9 }

And I want to sort them, from the perspective that now it's August. I mean, 11th month is closer than the 4th month. I have thought about it a lot, and finally came up with this solution.
First of all, it doesn't really work, because of problems with concatenating JSON arrays, but that's a minor issue.
I think this is a pretty bad way to do this, in terms of efficiency or something. Can you come up with anything better? Thanks!

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  • why not use the date object? Or search stackoverflow for: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10123953/sort-javascript-object-array-by-date – Pinoniq Aug 04 '14 at 07:54

3 Answers3


You may check this JS Bin. The main idea is get the current month and offset each month in the array by the current month. Then if a result is negative, which means it is a month after the current one, i try to figure out what is its sequence.

The code changed is the following:

Dates.prototype.sort = function() {
  var date = new Date();
  var currentMonth = date.getMonth() + 1;
  for(var j = 0; j < this.arr.length - 1; j++) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.arr.length - 1; i++) {
      var month = this.arr[i].month - currentMonth;
      var nextMonth = this.arr[i + 1].month - currentMonth;
      if(month < 0){
        month = 12 + month;
      if(nextMonth < 0){
        nextMonth = 12 + nextMonth;
      if (month > nextMonth) 
        this.switch(i, i + 1); 

      else if (month == nextMonth)
        if (this.arr[i].day > this.arr[i + 1].day)
          this.switch(i , i + 1);

Giannis Paraskevopoulos
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This does not modify the array or any prototype. It's just a matter of building a date object when comparing each element.

var today = new Date(),
current_day = today.getDate(),
current_month = today.getMonth() + 1,
current_year = today.getFullYear(),
comparator = function(d1, d2) {
    var y1, y2, date1, date2;
    if (d1.month > current_month || (d1.month == current_month && d1.day > current_day)) {
        y1 = current_year;
    } else {
        y1 = current_year + 1;
    if (d2.month > current_month || (d2.month == current_month && d2.day > current_day)) {
        y2 = current_year;
    } else {
        y2 = current_year + 1;
    date1 = new Date(y1, d1.month - 1, d1.day);
    date2 = new Date(y2, d2.month - 1, d2.day);
    return date1.getTime() - date2.getTime();
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sorting on distance to current month of month property can be done using:

Dates.prototype.sort = function() {
  var m = new Date().getMonth()+1
     ,tmparr = this.arr.slice().map( function(v) {
                  v.distance = Math.abs(+v.month - m); return v;

  this.arr = tmparr.sort( function(a,b) { return a.distance - b.distance; } )
                   .map( function(v) { delete v.distance; return v; } );

See the adjusted jsbin

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