
I'm not familiar with HTML and trying to find out how to use Javascript and variables combined with HTML.
I found some related questions at SO, but nevertheless it's not perfectly clear to me.

============= Working example (after contributions from SO-members) ==============

       <a id="myAnchorUsers">anchorUsers (was complete failure)</a><br><br>

      <button id="myUsers">Users (was not working)</button><br><br>

      <input type="button" value="Users (works !)" onclick="document.location= runUsers;" />

         var runFrom          = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/";
         var runFile          = "AKfycbyql5kQWwZY0eEtN2QtfP-MGN9X3P0sJZsjW9zi3r3";
         var runUsers         = runFrom + runFile + "/exec";

         var btnUsers         = document.getElementById("myUsers");
         btnUsers.href        = runUsers;
         btnUsers.onclick     = function () { document.location= runUsers };

         var ancUsers         = document.getElementById("myAnchorUsers");
         ancUsers.href        = runUsers;



So I would like to know what I should do to make all methods work.
Can anybody show how to correct the code above to make it work.



Thanks everybody who contributed (so fast !) to the make it work.
I changed the question to a working example as I've searched before and haven't found a real working example. Other people might benifit from it in future.

The two people who reacted negative to this question (within a few minutes) I would like to say this :

a) Even if a question has been answered somewhere else it is much more helpful to pointto the answer instead of just mentioning 'it has been answered somewhere else'
b) I mentioned already I have been trying to find the answer to make it work BEFORE posting the question.

Thanks for the help!!

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1 Answers1


The problem you have here is the <script> element is in the <head>, so it is run before the page is loaded, and the elements you're trying to reference don't exist yet. Move the <script> tag to just before the closing </body> tag.

Dave Morrissey
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