I’m trying to use LOAD CSV to create nodes with the labels being set to values from the CSV. Is that possible? I’m trying something like:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///testfile.csv' AS line
CREATE (x:line.label)

...but I get an invalid syntax error. Is there any way to do this?

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4 Answers4



First off, this is pretty easy to do with a Java batch import application, and they aren't hard to write. See this batch inserter example. You can use opencsv to read your CSV file.

If you would rather stick with Cypher, and if you have a finite set of labels to work with, then you could do something like this:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///testfile.csv' AS LINE
CREATE (n:load {lab:line.label, prop:line.prop});

CREATE INDEX ON :load(lab);

MATCH (n:load {lab:'label1'})
SET n:label1
REMOVE n:load
REMOVE n.lab;

MATCH (n:load {lab:'label2'})
SET n:label2
REMOVE n:load
REMOVE n.lab;

Grace and peace,


Jim Biard
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Unfortunately not, parameterized labels are not supported


Christophe Willemsen
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you can do a workaround - create all nodes and than filter on them and create the desired nodes, than remove those old nodes

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///testfile.csv' AS line
CREATE (tmp:line[1])
WITH tmp
CREATE (x:Person {name: labels(tmp)[0]})
WITH tmp

paste this into http://console.neo4j.org to see example:

WITH HEADERS FROM "http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/2.1.2/csv/import/persons.csv" AS csvLine
CREATE (p:tmp { id: toInt(csvLine.id), name: csvLine.name })
CREATE (pp:Person { name: labels(p)[0]})
WITH p, pp
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  • How exactly is this setting the label of the node with data from CSV? For what I understood, all this does is to add a property from the CSV, but not the label itself - all the created nodes have the "Person" label. – Lucas Lima Aug 12 '19 at 07:19
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    @LucasLima yes, its supposed to create just a property, not the label. at the time of writing this answer, node labeling in neo4j wasnt available (it was introduced in version 2), just the relationship labels. thats why i answered with a workaround as mentioned in the answer. today, of course, you can label the node straightforward – ulkas Aug 13 '19 at 11:49

I looked around at a few questions like this, and came to the conclusion that a nice concise way to handle these kinds of complex frustrations of not being able to easily add dynamic labels through 'LOAD CSV', is simply use your favorite programming language to read CSV lines, and produce a text output file of Cypher statements that will produce the Neo4j node/edge structure that you want. Then you will also be able to edit the text file directly, to alter whatever you want to further customize your commands.

I personally used Java given I am most comfortable with Java. I read each line of the CSV into a custom object that represents a row in my CSV file. I then printed to a file a line that reflects the Cypher statement I wanted. And then all I had to do was cut and paste those commands into Neo4j browser command line.

This way you can build your commands however you want, and you can completely avoid the limitations of 'LOAD CSV' commands with Cypher

Adam Boyle
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