The raw string literals in C++11 are very nice, except that the obvious way to format them leads to a redundant newline \n as the first character.

Consider this example:

    std::string text = R"(
This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.

The obvious workaround seems so ugly:

    std::string text = R"(This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.

Has anyone found an elegant solution to this?

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    I can't remember if `\\n` gets replaced with a space or just joins the lines without any spaces. – chris Jul 22 '14 at 05:16
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    All characters inside the raw string, including newlines and `\\` are interpreted literally. – Hugues Jul 22 '14 at 05:17
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    put `R"(` in next line – Bryan Chen Jul 22 '14 at 05:18
  • @Hugues, Never mind. I read through the first phase too quickly. – chris Jul 22 '14 at 05:23
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    @chris In fairness, that note doesn't directly specify anything by itself. It's really in 2.5 [lex.pptoken]: "If the next character begins a sequence of characters that could be the prefix and initial double quote of a raw string literal, such as R", the next preprocessing token shall be a raw string literal. Between the initial and final double quote characters of the raw string, any transformations performed in phases 1 and 2 (trigraphs, universal-character-names, and line splicing) are reverted; this reversion shall apply before any d-char, r-char, or delimiting parenthesis is identified." –  Jul 22 '14 at 05:32
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    There's nothing elegant about having a string literal not indented per the rest of your code, but if you want multiline raw string literals like this - and for whatever reason don't follow Bryan's sane advice - a less sane way to get what you want is `= 1 + R"(`.... – Tony Delroy Jul 22 '14 at 05:33
  • @hvd, Ah, good point, thanks. Shame it doesn't work, at least until you want a backslash in your string before the newline. – chris Jul 22 '14 at 05:35
  • I was thinking about using newline as the delimiter (`R"` / `(First` / `Second` / `Third)` / `"`), but that doesn't work either: newline is one of the few characters that cannot be used in the delimiter. –  Jul 22 '14 at 05:40
  • @BryanChen Thanks for suggesting `R"(` on the next line. It still doesn't align the first text line perfectly though. – Hugues Jul 22 '14 at 15:20
  • @TonyD I like your suggestion of `= 1 + R"(`; it's very clever. Could you please post this as an answer? – Hugues Jul 22 '14 at 15:21
  • @Hugues: done... cheers. – Tony Delroy Jul 23 '14 at 02:13

7 Answers7


You can get a pointer to the 2nd character - skipping the leading newline - by adding 1 to the const char* to which the string literal is automatically converted:

    std::string text = 1 + R"(
This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.

IMHO, the above is flawed in breaking with the indentation of the surrounding code. Some languages provide a built-in or library function that does something like:

  • removes an empty leading line, and
  • looks at the indentation of the second line and removes the same amount of indentation from all further lines

That allows usage like:

std::string text = unindent(R"(
    This is the first line.
    This is the second line.
    This is the third line.

Writing such a function is relatively simple...

std::string unindent(const char* p)
    std::string result;
    if (*p == '\n') ++p;
    const char* p_leading = p;
    while (std::isspace(*p) && *p != '\n')
    size_t leading_len = p - p_leading;
    while (*p)
        result += *p;
        if (*p++ == '\n')
            for (size_t i = 0; i < leading_len; ++i)
                if (p[i] != p_leading[i])
                    goto dont_skip_leading;
            p += leading_len;
      dont_skip_leading: ;
    return result;

(The slightly weird p_leading[i] approach is intended to make life for people who use tabs and spaces no harder than they make it for themselves ;-P, as long as the lines start with the same sequence.)

Tony Delroy
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    Is it 1 character? Or is it 2? – Lightness Races in Orbit Jan 18 '19 at 15:32
  • @LightnessRacesinOrbit: in the context being discussed, one. The compiler may arrange for distinct carriage returns and line feeds to be generated for each `'\n'` during output, but the code and techniques presented above are - I believe - portable regardless of such later conversions. If you have reason to believe otherwise, please do share. – Tony Delroy Jan 22 '19 at 14:00
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    I'm just raising a talking point really. Do we know for sure that there is only a newline? Is that guaranteed? Or does it depend on the encoding of the source file? If the latter then your [first] solution is too optimistic. – Lightness Races in Orbit Jan 22 '19 at 15:04
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    The answer is [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/39886017/11279879). It is 1 character, a single `'\n'`. – Dr. Gut Nov 21 '20 at 22:58

This is probably not what you want, but just in case, you should be aware of automatic string literal concatenation:

    std::string text =
"This is the first line.\n"
"This is the second line.\n"
"This is the third line.\n";
Brian Bi
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I recommend @Brian's answer, especially if you only need to have few lines of text, or that which you can handle with your text editor-fu. I have an alternative if that isn't the case.

    std::string text =
This is the first line." R"(
This is the second line.
This is the third line.)";

Live example

Raw string literals can still concatenate with "normal" string literals, as shown in the code. The "\ at the start is meant to "eliminate" the " character from the first line, putting it in a line of its own instead.

Still, if I were to decide, I would put such lotsa-text into a separate file and load it at runtime. No pressure to you though :-).

Also, that is one of the uglier code I've written these days.

Mark Garcia
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The closest I can see is:

std::string text = ""
R"(This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.

It would be a bit nicer if a whitespace was allowed in the delimiter sequence. Give or take the indentation:

std::string text = R"
    (This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.

My preprocessor will let you off with a warning about this, but unfortunately it's a bit useless. Clang and GCC get thrown off completely.

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The accepted answer produces the warning cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-constant-array-index from clang-tidy. See Pro.bounds: Bounds safety profile for details.

If you don't have std::span but you're at least compiling with C++17 consider:

constexpr auto text = std::string_view(R"(
This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.

The main advantages are readability (IMHO) and that you can turn on that clang-tidy warning in the rest of your code.

Using gcc if someone does inadvertently reduce the raw string to an empty string you get a compiler error (demo) with this approach, while the accepted approach either produces nothing (demo) or depending on your compiler settings an "outside bounds of constant string" warning.

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  • *"or depending on your compiler settings an "outside bounds of constant string" warning."* - what compiler setting would produce such a warning? Empty strings are still guaranteed (by the C++ Standard) to be null terminated.... – Tony Delroy Mar 15 '21 at 22:18

Yep, that is annoying. Perhaps there should be raw literals (R"PREFIX(") and multiline raw literals (M"PREFIX).

I came up with this alternative which almost describes itself:

#include<iterator> // std::next
    std::string atoms_text = 
  O123        12.4830720891       13.1055820441        9.5288258996
  O123        13.1055820441       13.1055820441        9.5288258996
    assert( atoms_text[0] != '\n' );


  1. If the raw literal is empty it will generate an invalid string. But that should be obvious to spot.
  2. If the raw literal doesn't start with a new line it will eat the first character instead.
  3. std::next is constexpr only from C++17, you then can use 1+(char const*)R"XYZ(" but it is not as clear and might produce warning.
constexpr auto atom_text = 1 + (R"XYZ(
  O123        12.4830720891       13.1055820441        9.5288258996
  O123        13.1055820441       13.1055820441        9.5288258996

Also, no warranties ;) . After all, I don't know if it is legal to do arithmetic with pointers to static data.

Another advantage of the + 1 approach is that it can be put at the end:

constexpr auto atom_text = R"XYZ(
  O123        12.4830720891       13.1055820441        9.5288258996
  O123        13.1055820441       13.1055820441        9.5288258996
)XYZ" + 1;

Possibilities are endless:

constexpr auto atom_text = &R"XYZ(
  O123        12.4830720891       13.1055820441        9.5288258996
  O123        13.1055820441       13.1055820441        9.5288258996
constexpr auto atom_text = &1[R"XYZ(
  O123        12.4830720891       13.1055820441        9.5288258996
  O123        13.1055820441       13.1055820441        9.5288258996
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I had the very same problem and I think the following solution is the best of all the above. I hope it'll be helpful for you, too (see example in the comment):

 * Strips a multi-line string's indentation prefix.
 * Example:
 * \code
 *   string s = R"(|line one
 *                 |line two
 *                 |line three
 *                 |)"_multiline;
 *   std::cout << s;
 * \endcode
 * This prints three lines: @c "line one\nline two\nline three\n"
 * @author Christian Parpart <christian@parpart.family>

inline std::string operator ""_multiline(const char* text, unsigned long size) {
  if (!*text)
    return {};

  enum class State {

  constexpr char LF = '\n';
  State state = State::LineData;
  std::stringstream sstr;
  char sep = *text++;

  while (*text) {
    switch (state) {
      case State::LineData: {
        if (*text == LF) {
          state = State::SkipUntilPrefix;
          sstr << *text++;
        } else {
          sstr << *text++;
      case State::SkipUntilPrefix: {
        if (*text == sep) {
          state = State::LineData;
        } else {

  return sstr.str();
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  • I don't see `_multiline` in the example, has the code drifted away from the comments? – Quentin Jun 22 '18 at 12:08
  • Nice code. I still like the current `1 + ` solution because it can also be used to assign to a `constexpr char*`. – Hugues Jun 23 '18 at 14:14
  • @Hugues, you may still use the constexpr_string class within that code (instead of std::stringstream), but I believe, this functionality should definitely be in the C++ standard library instead. – christianparpart Jun 23 '18 at 16:46