The code is below. I have a user input a radius and it display a area of a circle. I need to make sure the user does not input negative or 0 radius. what should i add to make this work?

<title>Find the area and circumference of a circle</title>
 <script language="JavaScript">
  function CalculateArea(){
    var radius =document.form1.txtRadius.value;
    document.write("<P>The area of the circle is " + (radius * radius * Math.PI) + "                  </p>");

<form name=form1>
    Enter the radius of circle:
   <input type="text" name="txtRadius" size=10>
   <input type="button" value="Calculate" onClick='CalculateArea();'>  
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  • Have you tried the 'greater than' sign in an 'if' statement? – MDEV Jul 20 '14 at 20:44
  • `` -- omg magic! Although you'll need to listen to a `submit` event on the form, not a `click` event on the button. – Niet the Dark Absol Jul 20 '14 at 20:44
  • You have all sorts of problems with your code, like `name=form1`. Where are the quotes? Also bad indentation. Camel casing HTML attributes. Probably will work, but bad practice. Might make you think you can use `onClick` in JavaScript. You can't. `document.write()` won`t work with XHTML, so you can't just copy your function off of the page and transport it to your new project. What if it's XHTML? ` – StackSlave Jul 20 '14 at 21:28

3 Answers3


See more on document.write() function :

Don't use the write function. Prefere to create new element with document.createElement("p").

DEMO : http://jsbin.com/qabup/1/edit

function print() {
    var p = document.createElement("p"),
        text = Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ", ");
    p.textContent = text;
    return text;

function CalculateArea() {
    var radius = parseInt(document.getElementById('txtRadius').value); // String to int.

    if (0 < radius)
        print("The area of the circle is " + (radius * radius * Math.PI));
        print("Error message.");

    return false;


    Enter the radius of circle:
    <input type="text" id="txtRadius" size="10" />
    <input type="button" value="Calculate" onclick="CalculateArea()"/>
    <div id="console"></div>

Old solution :

Try this :

var radius = parseInt(document.form1.txtRadius.value); // String to int.

if (0 < radius)
    document.write("<p>The area of the circle is " + (radius * radius * Math.PI) + "</p>")
    document.write("<p>Error message.</p>")
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Try this:

Give your input an ID:

<input type="text" name="txtRadius" id="txtRadius" size="10" />

Use something like this to check if the value is less than or equal to 0:

var num = document.getElementById('txtRadius').value;
var radius = parseInt(num);

if (radius > 0){
    alert('number is not less than 0');
else {
    alert('number is less than 0');

Note: document.write is a bad habit. Instead, you can use someElement.innerHTML.

Refer to this for more info why it is a bad habit.

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If you wish to do it with JavaScript:

function isInteger(x) {
    return (Math.round(x) === x);

function CalculateArea(){
    var radius = document.form1.txtRadius.value;
    if(isInteger(radius) && radius > 0) {
        document.write("<P>The area of the circle is " + (radius * radius * Math.PI) + "
    } else {
        whatever you want to do if it's no integer or zero
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