I'm struggling to get the right regex to match the following;




I'm sure this isn't that complicated and I'm nearly there, just can't get it perfected. Here's what I've tried;


using this online tester: http://regex101.com/r/sB8rR5/2

It still matches a 5th item with this string content/foo/B6128/8918/foo+bar+foo;

And while technically this pattern does match either OR url structures. I don't want it to match the 5th item when there's no randomstringnumsletters present.

After playing around with it for a bit, I do realise some elements are redundant with what I've tried, but I'm not getting anywhere with it...

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3 Answers3


Just turn the last capturing group into an optional one, and change \w* to \w+ in the last capturing group inorder to prevent null character to be captured by the 5th group.



Avinash Raj
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  • I may not have been clear enough with my question. I do want to match the 5th set if it exists. e.g. in [this example](http://regex101.com/r/sB8rR5/4) I want the first match to not return the 5th element whereas I do want it to return the 5th in the second match. Does that make sense? – Novocaine Jul 16 '14 at 15:44
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    oh sorry see http://regex101.com/r/sB8rR5/6 . I think this is what you want? let me know whether it works or not. – Avinash Raj Jul 16 '14 at 15:59

Looks like your REAL pattern should be:



or am I wrong? This will match the whole string (after content/) and return it all / delimited. You can parse each variable from there.

Adam Smith
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  • That doesn't then split up the values between the slashes, kind of defeats the point of using regex in this case. I might as well use `content\/(.+)` – Novocaine Jul 16 '14 at 15:54
  • @Novocaine88 YMMV. I prefer to match all content then parse the match rather than try and create separate groups, some of which may be empty (as you're observing now) – Adam Smith Jul 16 '14 at 15:55

You can take each part as an array, then take the part that you need...


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