<a id="inbox_row_container_24_112" class="inbox_row_container row_even" href="javascript:void(0)">
   <span id="inbox_message_24_112" class="inbox_message">
   <span id="inbox_message_attributes_24_112" class="inbox_message_attributes">
   <span id="inbox_message_attachment_24_112" class="inbox_message_attachment">*</span>
   <span class="inbox_row_clear"></span>

In the above, I want to obtain "inbox_row_container_24_112" if it has element with id="inbox_message_attachment_24_112" in its hierarchy.

Can anyone please suggest how to accomplish this ?

Sridevi Yedidha
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4 Answers4


Is there any reason you want to use CSS? This is perfect for xpath;

//a[@id="inbox_row_container_24_112" and span[@id="inbox_message_attachment_24_112"]]

Or if you wanted to lose tag constraints;

//*[@id="inbox_row_container_24_112" and *[@id="inbox_message_attachment_24_112"]]

Selenium supports Xpath as well as CSS, and you should choose a selector which meets the needs of your situation, and in this case Xpath seems more suitable than CSS

Robbie Wareham
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It sounds like you're looking for a parent selector, AKA find $('#inbox_message_attachment_24_112') and go to its parent. Unfortunately, CSS does not have this.

similar question: CSS selector for "foo that contains bar"?

One of the answers suggests using this in jquery:


I would suggest starting there! :)

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You may consider using Helium - Selenium WebDriver wrapper which offers a jQuery-like selector as part of its API.

Assuming you are using WebDriver in Java, you can try the following code:

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import static com.heliumhq.API.*;

public class MyElementFinder {
    public WebElement findMyElement() {
        $ inboxMessageAttachment = $("#inbox_row_container_24_112 #inbox_message_attachment_24_112");
        WebElement elem = inboxMessageAttachment.getWebElement();
        do {
            elem = elem.findElement(By.xpath("parent::node()"));
        } while (!elem.getAttribute("id").equals("inbox_row_container_24_112"));
        return elem;

Please note that your HTML code is not 100% valid - two of the <span> tags do not have corresponding closing tags </span>. If the HTML code was corrected and looked as following:

<a id="inbox_row_container_24_112" class="inbox_row_container row_even" href="javascript:void(0)">
   <span id="inbox_message_24_112" class="inbox_message"></span>
   <span id="inbox_message_attributes_24_112" class="inbox_message_attributes"></span>
   <span id="inbox_message_attachment_24_112" class="inbox_message_attachment">*</span>
   <span class="inbox_row_clear"></span>

Then the Helium script would have been much shorter and nicer:

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import static com.heliumhq.API.*;

public class MyElementFinder {
    public WebElement findMyElement() {
        $ inboxMessageAttachment = $("#inbox_row_container_24_112 > #inbox_message_attachment_24_112");
        return inboxMessageAttachment.getWebElement().findElement(By.xpath("parent::node()"));

In the both above examples the findMyElement() method throws an exception of type NoSuchElementException if no such element exists - this can be handled to cover the case when there is no such element present.

Disclaimer: I'm one of Helium's developers

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You can only access the child with CSS:

#inbox_row_container_24_112 > #inbox_message_attachment_24_112

There is no way to obtain the parent once you selected the child, though.
However, using JavaScript this would be an easy problem to solve.

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