I use slimscroll for my scrolling needs and it works great. Now I have need for horizontal scrolling. A quick google search gives me some results to references in the github source code and some issues which indicates that that horizontal scroll support has been added but nowhere I can I find an example. I've looked in the javascript file expecting to find a flag to switch from vertical to horizontal. Helas nothing so obvious. So my question is it possible if yes, how? An example would be greatly appreciated.

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  • can you consider using custom scrollbar -> http://manos.malihu.gr/tuts/jquery_custom_scrollbar.html – raviture Jul 04 '14 at 09:55

5 Answers5


The latest version of slimscroll is 1.3.1 (from github repository) and it does not support horizontal scrollbar. Try jQuery Scrollbar or any scrollbar that supports horizontal scrolling from this scrollbar comparison table.

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Now you can atualize your plug-in on the SlimScroll git repository, and just use the code below to instance your slimScroll

    height: 150,
    width: 300,
    axis: 'both'
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Slimscroll with both axes examples using Bootstrap 4.

Click here to see the online working examples.

Zaid Bin Khalid
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I implemented ngSlimscroll, the rewritten version of the original slimscroll in AngularJS. It also supports horizontal scrolling. See the demo for example.

Jan Kuri
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  • Thanks dude! I have posted a question for you on you on github. – wendellmva Jun 16 '15 at 15:59
  • I've tried your module, but it broke my CSS. Can't be used without pain. – Gilberto Albino Jul 24 '15 at 13:27
  • This plugin is poorly built - you cannot scroll without highlighting the contents. – JoeTidee Aug 05 '15 at 18:19
  • This works great! But one thing - when you resize the window nothing gets adjusted - you should have another option when resizing the window, adjust the scroll settings as well.. at least there should be a watch for height and width parameters. Can you add that? – Jazzer May 04 '16 at 18:30

Did you try adding this code?

    axis:"x" // horizontal scrollbar

    axis:"yx" // vertical and horizontal scrollbar
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