I want to learn Yii2 membership and use Yii to store and retrieve roles using a database.

I have read Security Authorization and How to add role to user? and Does Anyone Have A Working Example Of Rbac? and also try using the yii2-admin extension and tried to understand how Yii manages user roles but I can't find any working samples or simple step by step examples.

Please guide me and tell me the simplest solution.

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2 Answers2


Implementing a role based access control is a very easy process and you can even load your roles from the database if you want.

Step1: Creating necessary tables in the database [ You can also apply migrations with console command yii migrate instead of step 1 ]

The first step is to create necessary tables in the database.Below is the sql you need to run in the database.

drop table if exists `auth_assignment`;
drop table if exists `auth_item_child`;
drop table if exists `auth_item`;
drop table if exists `auth_rule`;

create table `auth_rule`
`name` varchar(64) not null,
`data` text,
`created_at` integer,
`updated_at` integer,
    primary key (`name`)
) engine InnoDB;

create table `auth_item`
`name` varchar(64) not null,
`type` integer not null,
`description` text,
`rule_name` varchar(64),
`data` text,
`created_at` integer,
`updated_at` integer,
primary key (`name`),
foreign key (`rule_name`) references `auth_rule` (`name`) on delete set null on update cascade,
key `type` (`type`)
) engine InnoDB;

create table `auth_item_child`
`parent` varchar(64) not null,
`child` varchar(64) not null,
primary key (`parent`, `child`),
foreign key (`parent`) references `auth_item` (`name`) on delete cascade on update cascade,
foreign key (`child`) references `auth_item` (`name`) on delete cascade on update cascade
) engine InnoDB;

create table `auth_assignment`
`item_name` varchar(64) not null,
`user_id` varchar(64) not null,
`created_at` integer,
primary key (`item_name`, `user_id`),
foreign key (`item_name`) references `auth_item` (`name`) on delete cascade on update cascade
) engine InnoDB;

Step2: Setting up the config file

Now you can set up the config file to use the authmanager as DbManager. This is done by adding the following lines to the components section of your config file

     'authManager' => [
                           'class' => 'yii\rbac\DbManager',
                           'defaultRoles' => ['guest'],

Step3: Adding and assigning roles.

Now you can add roles by simply writing the following code to your corresponding controller.

    use yii\rbac\DbManager;
    $r=new DbManager;
    $test = $r->createRole('test');

And you can assign it to the users by

    $r->assign($test, 2);


Dency G B
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  • Thanks Dency, but I have two question: **1.**Is table structure convention based or it's your suggestion?? **2.**Is it possible to config role management (create table, createRole & assign role ) with migration?? – b24 Jul 05 '14 at 11:43
  • Please refer to the updated rbac tables at https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/framework/rbac/migrations/ – Dency G B Jul 07 '14 at 07:56
  • Thanks Dency. All things worked except last step (Step3: Adding and assigning roles) I got error on call save method after createRole method: Calling unknown method: yii\rbac\DbManager::save() – b24 Jul 08 '14 at 08:14
  • @b.cyclops..sorry I am using Yii2 alpha version. Please see my updated answer – Dency G B Jul 08 '14 at 08:52
  • You may refer to this link for more details.https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/docs/guide/security-authorization.md#building-authorization-data – Dency G B Jul 08 '14 at 08:53
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    Thanks it's work great and I understand RBAC from your answer. – b24 Jul 08 '14 at 09:36
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    Hello, can you explain: need I add foreign key user_id to 'auth_assignment' table? – raiym Aug 18 '14 at 09:38
  • and do prefix to each table like tbl_auth_assignment – raiym Aug 18 '14 at 10:23
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    The step 1 can be replaced by `./yii migrate --migrationPath=@yii/rbac/migrations/` – Prabowo Murti Jan 07 '15 at 18:10

Updated link from official docs: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-security-authorization.html

If you are working with database you have to add authmanager to your application components:

return [
// ...
'components' => [
    'authManager' => [
        'class' => 'yii\rbac\DbManager',
    // ...


And then execute a migration:

yii migrate --migrationPath=@yii/rbac/migrations

It will create automatically the required tables in your database. Now you can access the AuthManager via

yii migrate --migrationPath=@yii/rbac/migrations

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