Somehow my master and my origin/master branch have diverged.
I actually don't want them to diverge.

How can I view these differences and merge them?

Penny Liu
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    what do you mean by diverging? do you rebase your master *after* pushing it? – hasen Mar 16 '10 at 06:24
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    I get a message saying "Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, # and have 1 and 1 different commit(s) each, respectively." – Frank Mar 16 '10 at 15:27
  • I have updated my answer to reflect that "diverged" warning message. – VonC Mar 16 '10 at 15:49
  • The accepted answer to another question may also be helpful in resolving certain cases where this might come into play (e.g. you're trying to move your master around, but it already had been pushed): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2862590/how-to-replace-master-branch-in-git-entirely-from-another-branch – lindes Jun 01 '12 at 23:10
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    The explanation at this blog helped me infinitely more than any answer below: http://sebgoo.blogspot.com/2012/02/git-your-branch-and-originxxx-have.html –  Mar 30 '13 at 20:18
  • The word you are looking for is 'converge' by the way. – Andreas Hartmann Sep 30 '16 at 09:03
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    To undo all changes to my own local branch after it had 'diverged' (needed push and pull, when I made no changes I can remember): git reset --hard origin/my-branch . Only do this if you know you did not make any local changes that you want to keep. – Dean Dec 04 '18 at 20:13
  • I had a hard time figuring this out and finally just ran `git branch -D offending_branch && git fetch && git checkout offending_branch` and it fixed the issue – Neil C. Obremski May 13 '21 at 16:11

15 Answers15


You can review the differences with a:

git log HEAD..origin/master

before pulling it (fetch + merge) (see also "How do you get git to always pull from a specific branch?")

When you have a message like:

"Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, # and have 1 and 1 different commit(s) each, respectively."

, check if you need to update origin. If origin is up-to-date, then some commits have been pushed to origin from another repo while you made your own commits locally.

... o ---- o ---- A ---- B  origin/master (upstream work)
                    C  master (your work)

You based commit C on commit A because that was the latest work you had fetched from upstream at the time.

However, before you tried to push back to origin, someone else pushed commit B.
Development history has diverged into separate paths.

You can then merge or rebase. See Pro Git: Git Branching - Rebasing for details.


Use the git merge command:

$ git merge origin/master

This tells Git to integrate the changes from origin/master into your work and create a merge commit.
The graph of history now looks like this:

... o ---- o ---- A ---- B  origin/master (upstream work)
                   \      \
                    C ---- M  master (your work)

The new merge, commit M, has two parents, each representing one path of development that led to the content stored in that commit.

Note that the history behind M is now non-linear.


Use the git rebase command:

$ git rebase origin/master

This tells Git to replay commit C (your work) as if you had based it on commit B instead of A.
CVS and Subversion users routinely rebase their local changes on top of upstream work when they update before commit.
Git just adds explicit separation between the commit and rebase steps.

The graph of history now looks like this:

... o ---- o ---- A ---- B  origin/master (upstream work)
                           C'  master (your work)

Commit C' is a new commit created by the git rebase command.
It is different from C in two ways:

  1. It has a different history: B instead of A.
  2. Its content accounts for changes in both B and C; it is the same as M from the merge example.

Note that the history behind C' is still linear.
We have chosen (for now) to allow only linear history in cmake.org/cmake.git.
This approach preserves the CVS-based workflow used previously and may ease the transition.
An attempt to push C' into our repository will work (assuming you have permissions and no one has pushed while you were rebasing).

The git pull command provides a shorthand way to fetch from origin and rebase local work on it:

$ git pull --rebase

This combines the above fetch and rebase steps into one command.

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    I found this while looking up the same problem, can you explain why 'git reset --hard HEAD' didn't fix the problem? – Neth Nov 26 '10 at 14:19
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    @Neth: because it is not about staged modifications (i.e. modifications present in the index but not yet committed), but about *local commits* (which differs from commits present on the remote). `git reset --hard HEAD` would only remove any local indexed non-committed modification, and would do nothing to reconcile the differences between local and remote *commits*. Only a merge or a rebase will bring the two set of commits (the local one and the remote one) together. – VonC Nov 26 '10 at 16:48
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    Wow, thanks for this awesome response. We had accidentally done a "git pull" without "--rebase", and "git rebase origin/master" was just the fix! – mrooney May 09 '11 at 21:50
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    How about - I just want to ignore/dump my local changes and be with my local branch where the remote is? In other words, I want `master` to point to `B` at your example. – CygnusX1 Apr 29 '12 at 10:32
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    @CygnusX1 that would be a `git reset --hard origin/master` as mentioned in the answer just below: http://stackoverflow.com/a/8476004/6309 – VonC Apr 30 '12 at 06:01
  • Yes, I see it now. Somehow I didn't see it yesterday :( – CygnusX1 Apr 30 '12 at 07:34
  • Great answer, I'd only add that if you're stuck in the middle of a merge you can 'git merge --abort' then choose the merge or rebase options. – Joe Cairns Nov 05 '12 at 17:47
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    This might help someone else also; a lot of commands I thought should start with `git` were just me editing text files. So if you're confused, you might need to go in an edit with `nano`, `emacs`, `pico`, `vim`, or whatever GUI editor you use – Nathan May 05 '20 at 23:44

I had this and am mystified as to what has caused it, even after reading the above responses. My solution was to do

git reset --hard origin/master

Then that just resets my (local) copy of master (which I assume is screwed up) to the correct point, as represented by (remote) origin/master.

WARNING: You will lose all changes not yet pushed to origin/master.

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    yes, it feels a bit like the dummies option, but if there's no real danger and you're here for a quick fix - this works (for me anyway) – PandaWood Apr 11 '12 at 06:34
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    This requires to be on the master branch before ("git checkout master"). – blueyed Apr 11 '13 at 09:42
  • This happened to me once when I got latest from origin, then someone else did a force push to origin which caused the previous commit in origin to get reverted. So my local branch had the reverted commit, and when I tried to pull latest from origin it was saying that I had to merge. In this case it just made sense to reset --hard origin/(branch) because the issue had already been fixed in origin. – Landon Poch May 15 '13 at 15:24
  • Hi skiphoppy, thanks for the tip. I agree with PandaWood (no offence meant) that it seems like a bit of a dummies option. But in saying that, I'm not that experienced with the more advanced aspects of Git. – Matt Setter Jun 30 '13 at 08:18
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    You probably should warn users that this will make them lose all changes not yet pushed to origin – Pedro Loureiro Oct 28 '13 at 15:33
  • The `origin/master` bit is what I needed -- somehow I just got out of sorts locally and really wanted to revert to origin, but resetting without the explicit remote name was not working. Thanks! – Brian Moeskau Apr 13 '14 at 20:04
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    @PedroLoureiro Commits are note really lost, you can still find the commits with `git reflog` or see them in `gitk --all`. But yet, of course the hard reset is another thing than a rebase. – sebkraemer Mar 11 '16 at 09:51
  • I always forget to squash and later while doing it with git rebase end up messing. Your solution helped thanks a ton. – vikramvi Nov 14 '16 at 11:15
  • @skiphoppy, what if I want to do the reverse. As in (reset) my remote copy instead ?? – steven7mwesigwa Dec 18 '19 at 11:47
  • safe when it is a feature branch because no conflict since you are alone in that branch. – King Jherold Feb 20 '20 at 06:14
  • It seems this `git branch -f master origin/master` also works, providing that my current branch is not master. – bruin Apr 29 '20 at 02:33
  • This is kind of the "when in doubt, reboot" solution. But hey, if you can't figure out how to resolve the issue, then this is basically the best solution – u84six Nov 10 '20 at 17:47
git pull --rebase origin/master 

is a single command that can help you most of the time.

Edit: Pulls the commits from the origin/master and applies your changes upon the newly pulled branch history.

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    please mention what the command does, else people might run it and end up screwing up – Baz1nga Dec 18 '12 at 04:43
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    If there is no problem, you should end up with your master containing all the changes origin/master plus all your local commits will be replayed on top of it. Seems good to me. – Philipp Claßen Jan 17 '13 at 13:32
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    Except when there are real differences and it leaves you in an aborted rebase. – ffledgling Nov 25 '15 at 11:39
  • This yields an error: **error: Failed to merge in the changes. Patch failed at 0024 Request and Response models** – IgorGanapolsky Aug 22 '18 at 15:07

I found myself in this situation when I tried to rebase a branch that was tracking a remote branch, and I was trying to rebase it on master. In this scenario if you try to rebase, you'll most likely find your branch diverged and it can create a mess that isn't for git nubees!

Let's say you are on branch my_remote_tracking_branch, which was branched from master

$ git status

# On branch my_remote_tracking_branch

nothing to commit (working directory clean)

And now you are trying to rebase from master as:

git rebase master

STOP NOW and save yourself some trouble! Instead, use merge as:

git merge master

Yes, you'll end up with extra commits on your branch. But unless you are up for "un-diverging" branches, this will be a much smoother workflow than rebasing. See this blog for a much more detailed explanation.

On the other hand, if your branch is only a local branch (i.e. not yet pushed to any remote) you should definitely do a rebase (and your branch will not diverge in this case).

Now if you are reading this because you already are in a "diverged" scenario due to such rebase, you can get back to the last commit from origin (i.e. in an un-diverged state) by using:

git reset --hard origin/my_remote_tracking_branch

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    A rule of thumb is to use `rebase` if the branch you're rebasing has not been published (and used by other people). Otherwise, use `merge`. If you rebase already published (and used) branches, you have to coordinate a conspiracy to rewrite history across every developer that has used your branch. – Mikko Rantalainen May 29 '13 at 05:30
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    Unfortunately I did not read this message before doing the `git rebase master`... – Vitaly Isaev Jul 08 '14 at 12:26
  • If i do git rebase master while on branch 'foobar' then technically foobar is diverged from origin/foobar until I do a git push -f , right? – relipse May 15 '16 at 20:56
  • http://www.jarrodspillers.com/git/2009/08/19/git-merge-vs-git-rebase-avoiding-rebase-hell.html – akhil_mittal Mar 01 '17 at 11:44
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    `git reset --hard origin/my_remote_tracking_branch` is what really worked – sgohl Apr 04 '18 at 07:27
  • thanks man.... things were getting dark, but answer came to rescue... :) – mohitesachin217 Oct 10 '19 at 05:33

In my case here is what I did to cause the diverged message: I did git push but then did git commit --amend to add something to the commit message. Then I also did another commit.

So in my case that simply meant origin/master was out of date. Because I knew no-one else was touching origin/master, the fix was trivial: git push -f (where -f means force)

Darren Cook
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    +1 for `git push -f` to overwrite the changes previously committed and pushed to origin. I also am sure nobody else touched the repository. – zacharydl Oct 05 '14 at 01:54
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    Very risky command. Please write a short information regarding risk factor of the command. – J4cK Sep 25 '15 at 20:07
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    @Trickster: I already had described the risk: "as I knew no-one else was touching origin/master". I believe, in that case, this is not a risky command. – Darren Cook Sep 28 '15 at 06:48
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    If someone commits on master and then one person run the command git push -f then it is high risk command – J4cK Sep 28 '15 at 14:33
  • Thanks for this answer. My CI had a git commit --amend and would fail because of that. Amending local commits makes sense, in CI if you amend before committing you are technically amending a remote commit thats already been pushed and hence it sees it as a diversion. – Kerry Johnson May 18 '21 at 19:07

In my case I have pushed changes to origin/master and then realised I should not have done so :-( This was complicated by the fact that the local changes were in a subtree. So I went back to the last good commit before the "bad" local changes (using SourceTree) and then I got the "divergence message".

After fixing my mess locally (the details are not important here) I wanted to "move back in time" the remote origin/master branch so that it would be in sync with the local master again. The solution in my case was:

git push origin master -f

Note the -f (force) switch. This deleted the "bad changes" that had been pushed to origin/master by mistake and now the local and remote branches are in sync.

Please keep in mind that this is a potentially destructive operation so perform it only if you are 100% sure that "moving back" the remote master in time is OK.

Laryx Decidua
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  • Always useful but surely doesn't answer the question. – Thibault D. Jul 20 '16 at 11:24
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    @ThibaultD. even if it didn't, this is exactly what I was looking for. – Neil Aug 11 '18 at 06:46
  • I'm getting `You are not allowed to force push code to a protected branch on this project.` . I'm trying to push to my fork. – BanAnanas Mar 11 '20 at 22:44
  • I had to remove protection on gitlab repo https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32246503/fix-gitlab-error-you-are-not-allowed-to-push-code-to-protected-branches-on-thi – BanAnanas Mar 11 '20 at 22:54
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    Yes I had a few commits on master that shouldn't have been there, if you don't care about deleting them, the above or "git push --force" works (REWRITES HISTORY AND DELETES THE DIVERGED REMOTE COMMITS). If you want to keep the commits but not on master then it is possible to move them to another branch. – 00-BBB Apr 22 '21 at 10:36

I know there are plenty of answers here, but I think git reset --soft HEAD~1 deserves some attention, because it let you keep changes in the last local (not pushed) commit while solving the diverged state. I think this is a more versatile solution than pull with rebase, because the local commit can be reviewed and even moved to another branch.

The key is using --soft, instead of the harsh --hard. If there is more than 1 commit, a variation of HEAD~x should work. So here are all the steps that solved my situation (I had 1 local commit and 8 commits in the remote):

1) git reset --soft HEAD~1 to undo local commit. For the next steps, I've used the interface in SourceTree, but I think the following commands should also work:

2) git stash to stash changes from 1). Now all the changes are safe and there's no divergence anymore.

3) git pull to get the remote changes.

4) git stash pop or git stash apply to apply the last stashed changes, followed by a new commit, if wanted. This step is optional, along with 2), when want to trash the changes in local commit. Also, when want to commit to another branch, this step should be done after switching to the desired one.

Bianca Daniciuc
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  • Actually, these days, the `pull --rebase` would stash automatically anyway. https://stackoverflow.com/a/30209750/6309 – VonC Sep 22 '17 at 15:04

To view the differences:

git difftool --dir-diff master origin/master

This will display the changes or differences between the two branches. In araxis (My favorite) it displays it in a folder diff style. Showing each of the changed files. I can then click on a file to see the details of the changes in the file.

C Johnson
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In my case this was caused by not committing my conflict resolution.

The problem was caused by running the git pull command. Changes in the origin led to conflicts with my local repo, which I resolved. However, I did not commit them. The solution at this point is to commit the changes (git commit the resolved file)

If you have also modified some files since resolving the conflict, the git status command will show the local modifications as unstaged local modifications and merge resolution as staged local modifications. This can be properly resolved by committing changes from the merge first by git commit, then adding and committing the unstaged changes as usual (e.g. by git commit -a).

Matt Bond
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I have fixed it by moving to commit_sha that last is committed to origin/master.

git reset --hard commit_sha

WARNING: You will lose all that is committed after the 'commit_sha' commit.

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Replace 123 with number of commits your branch has diverged from origin.

git reset HEAD~123 && git reset && git checkout . && git clean -fd && git pull
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I prefer doing it more convenient and safer way.

# copying your commit(s) to separate branch
git checkout <last_sync_commit>
git checkout -b temp
git cherry-pick <last_local_commit>

git checkout master
git reset --soft HEAD~1 # or how many commits you have only on local machine
git stash               # safer, can be avoided using hard resetting on the above line
git pull
git cherry-pick <last_local_commit>

# deleting temporary branch
git branch -D temp
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  • Interesting. Upvoted. Don't forget to use `git switch` instead of `git checkout`: https://stackoverflow.com/a/57066202/6309. In your case, for instance: `git switch -c temp ` – VonC Oct 01 '20 at 12:55

I had same message when I was trying to edit last commit message, of already pushed commit, using: git commit --amend -m "New message" When I pushed the changes using git push --force-with-lease repo_name branch_name there were no issues.

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Met this problem when I created a branch based on branch A by

git checkout -b a

and then I set the up stream of branch a to origin branch B by

git branch -u origin/B

Then I got the error message above.

One way to solve this problem for me was,

  • Delete the branch a
  • Create a new branch b by
git checkout -b b origin/B
Jeff Wong
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git reset --soft origin/my_remote_tracking_branch

This way you will not loose your local changes
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