I know there are a ton of questions in regards to regex, but I've never really been able to wrap my head around how these work.

Here's my regex:


It's for numeric values only, with up to two decimal places.

I'm looking for an answer, but more specifically, what does what so I can better understand it. I need to be able to match 0, 0.00. or 00.00 in this expression.

Thank you.

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3 Answers3


Remove the first two sets of parenthesis, just make it:


This says:

^           -- start of line
\d{0,10}    -- 0 - 10 digits
  \.\d{1,2} -- a dot followed by 1 or 2 digits
)?          -- make the dot and 2 digits optional
$           -- end of line

As for the two that were removed:

(?!^0*$)     -- do not allow all zeros (0000000)
(?!^0*\.0*$) -- do not allow all zeros with a dot in the middle (0000.0000)

(?!          -- "negative lookahead", e.g. "Do not allow"
  ^          -- start of line
  0*         -- any number of zeros
  $          -- end of line
Mark Kahn
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Here's a pattern and check in Python


import re

nums = ['0', '0.00', '00.00']

# match one or two zeros
# After, there's an optional block: a period, with 1-2 zeros
pat = re.compile('0{1,2}(\.0{1,2})?')

print all( (pat.match(num) for num in nums) )


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Try this




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  • Please, don't post twice an invalid answer: http://stackoverflow.com/a/36492441/372239 – Toto Apr 08 '16 at 08:52