When I'm trying to start the Apache 2.2 server it is showing the following message: The Requested Operation has failed

In command Prompt it is showing as follows:

C:\Documents and Settings\amth>net start apache2.2
The Apache2.2 service is starting.
The Apache2.2 service could not be started.

A service specific error occurred: 1.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3547.
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  • Something else might be listening on port 80. E.g IIS etc. ([Source](http://serverfault.com/a/513407)) – azam Sep 11 '16 at 14:27

10 Answers10


Open run( win + r ) in windows and then type services.msc. Search for Apache service. Double click on the service and select any startup type other than disabled. This should work like a charm.

M.S Shohan
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Open conf folder then open httpd.conf file in your text editor. Find this line:


Listen 80 and change it to


Listen 8080

Then hit save

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I have wasted a whole day on figuring out why curl_init() threw an undefined-error. Im using Windows, Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.3

After trying to:

  1. Install a fresh version of Curl As described in this post
  2. Enabe Curl in the php.ini file following this description

I still got this error.

The solution was to add the directory of the php e.g c:php/ to the PATH Variable in the Windows environment variables.

->Hit the Windows-Key and S 
-> search for "System"
-> go to advanced options(a small window shuld pop up) 
-> hit environment variables 
-> in the **bottom** box scroll until you find "PATH" 
-> select it and hit "edit" 
-> enter the php directory and close the window 
-> reboot your PC

Hopefully it will work for you too :)


Have you done any changes in httpd.conf file ? i was also facing same problem in my case i have saved httpd.conf file as txt so due to that i was getting error

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Was getting this issue when trying to start Apache with mod_jk. As part of loadmodule in http.conf file LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so was added but in Apache2.2\modules folder mod_jk.so file was not available. Added mod_jk.so file to modules folder and apache started without any issues.

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Here is what I did - if you uninstall and reinstall apache via command prompt it

httpd -k unistall/httpd -k install

then it displays the errors

in my case the require all was missing 'granted' at the end of to look like 'require all granted'

<Directory />
    AllowOverride all

    Require all 

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If your lan ip changed then you would come across this error. In the httpd conf file you to rectify the following: Listen IP:Port

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I ran into the same error message on Windows Server 2008 R2. I was using SSL and realized that my signer certs, configured in ssl.conf, where placed in the wrong folders on the file system. I placed the certs in the correct spot and the service and Apache was working fine afterwards.


I've tried closing World Wide Web services, changing a lot of ports and surfing many forums, and eventually I looked in to Logs=>Apache (error.log) files.


I saw in this error:

PHP Fatal error: Directive 'asp_tags' is no longer available in PHP in Unknown on line 0


Then I opened php.ini files in XAMPP. Find with ctrl+f asp_tags=On line and turn it to Off. All of it then worked.


David Buck
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In my case Apache 2.4 is worked on Win7Pro 64bit. Last week it worked fine but today I was unable to start it as usually. I tried to check logs for errors but no clue. Then I went to Control panel -> Administrative tools -> Services and found there Apache service was disabled!? Click on property, set Startup type to manual and - voila! It started like charm.

Ludus H
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