I have searched within SO and found out several regular expressions to be used to include ONLY THESE a-z A-Z 0-9 - _. So far what I have tried was this one, /[^a-zA-Z0-9_ %\[\]\.\(\)%&-]/s. What this actually did was it did not exclude brackets {} [] and parenthesis (). I am not very experienced with regex, heck I don't fully fathom the whole meaning, structure/format of it so can somebody provide me the exact regex which I am looking for? Thanks for the time.

Tsukimoto Mitsumasa
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2 Answers2


Here it is :


Will check Any word of at least one letter, number , _ or -

Here is the tutorial for basic REGEX.

Harshal Mahajan
  • 3,310
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This should do the trick


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