I have been working on the ssrs reporting, i task is to get the Fish Max, Min, Avg,Stdev,Medain of length and weight from Catches by group by speciesId , I was able to get Max, Min,Avg of length and weight of each speciesId but the tricky part was get median for length and weight, I have been google for the solution and found different solution but i am not sure which one was right for my case. Here is my temp table

i used SQL 2008

CREATE TABLE #Catchestemp
id int, -- Primary key
speciesID int, --foreign key
catchWeight numeric(6,2),
catchLength numeric(6,3)


INSERT INTO #Catchestemp (id, speciesID,catchWeight,catchLength)

SELECT * from  #Catchestemp
DROP table #Catchestemp

Please help me get this out, I will be very appreciated all the answer Thank you in advance.

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  • I think that that question was already asked hire: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1342898/function-to-calculate-median-in-sql-server – Dusan Jun 13 '14 at 18:55

1 Answers1


This query should do it. Uses the solution from Function to Calculate Median in Sql Server

Just replace your "SELECT * from #Catchestemp" query with this.

select a.*,b.MedianWeight,c.MedianLength from (
    SELECT speciesID, min(catchLength) MinLength, max(catchLength) MaxLength, avg(catchLength) AvegrageLength, isnull(STDEV(catchLength),0) StDevLength
    , min(catchWeight) MinWeight, max(catchWeight) MaxWeight, avg(catchWeight) AvegrageWeight, isnull(STDEV(catchWeight),0) StDevWeight
    from  #Catchestemp c
    group by speciesID
) a
join (
    select speciesID, avg(catchWeight) MedianWeight from (
        select speciesID,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY speciesID ORDER BY catchWeight ASC, id ASC) AS RowAsc,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY speciesID ORDER BY catchWeight DESC, id DESC) AS RowDesc
        from #Catchestemp
    ) x
    WHERE RowAsc IN (RowDesc, RowDesc - 1, RowDesc + 1)
    group by speciesID
) b on a.speciesID = b.speciesID
join (
    select speciesID, avg(catchLength) MedianLength from (
        select speciesID,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY speciesID ORDER BY catchLength ASC, id ASC) AS RowAsc,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY speciesID ORDER BY catchLength DESC, id DESC) AS RowDesc
        from #Catchestemp
    ) x
    WHERE RowAsc IN (RowDesc, RowDesc - 1, RowDesc + 1)
    group by speciesID
) c on a.speciesID = c.speciesID
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  • Thank you jokedst to take time to hlep me solved , I am very appreciated your help, codemonkey Thank you to point me to the link that very helpful. – MC_A Jun 16 '14 at 14:57